David Birnbaum Philosophy

September 16, 2014 CHECKMATE

 Truly Cosmic code cracking? See juxtaposition Seth  Lloyd, David Birnbaum.Trying to grasp the David Birnbaum Teleology  schema?

Matrix Universe v. Random Universe:

How Harvard and MIT checkmated Oxford and Cambridge

By Guest

What is metaphysics? .......What is a unified formulation? Check cosmologist David Birnbaum's metaphysics, philosophy.

Oxford and Cambridge have long been the gatekeepers of modern cosmology. Indeed, in recent decades they have ruthlessly protected their power over academe; while suppressing any challenging theories, they have touted their Randomness/Atheism construct as the only plausible theory of cosmic origins.

Randomness/Atheism posits that the universe is random, devoid of purpose and inexorably decaying and falling apart. Their theory can be summarized in one simple and easy-to-remember phrase: All is random.

Coming into the 21st challengers to this antiquated theory – Harvard-educated David Birnbaum and MIT’s Seth Lloyd. Their respective constructs dovetail with each other’s. Coming from the metaphysics and physics arenas respectively, Birnbaum and Lloyd de facto offer a powerful hybrid construct – Potentialism/Quantum Universe which readily trumps Randomness/Atheism theory.

David Birnbaum is an independent metaphysicist and author of the widely-featured Summa Metaphysica series – Summa Metaphysica I, II and III (Ktav, 1988; New Paradigm Matrix, 2005; and New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). Seth Lloyd is a professor of Quantum Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering at MIT, and the author of Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006).

In 1988, Birnbaum proposed an audacious theory of the universe in his Summa Metaphysica I. What if the universe isn’t purposeless? What if, completely contrary to the entrenched academic/scientific dogma, it was the exact opposite? What Birnbaum proposed, was his profound and powerful Theory of Potential (see

The theory proposes – concisely capturing cosmic history in one simple phrase – is that the universe strives towards its optimal potential. And the theory does more than just describe the natural world; it describes the universe in its entirety – from macro to micro levels, with humanity somewhere in the middle. Language, emotion, and beauty are, of course, included in-the-mix.

The Birnbaum theory basically discerns a Common Denominator – infinite divine quest for potential – to the entire cosmic order. As noted, this cosmic Common Denominator operates across the entire spectrum of universe-levels. The universe is not a mish-mash of aimlessness and decay, as per the Randomness/Atheistic crew; rather it is purpose-driven integrated organic entity seeking advance and growth.

Advance and growth – these are things the Randomness/Atheistic crew will never likely understand. But the truth is, if Randomness/Atheism can’t account for the way the universe manifests, then it is a fatally flawed theory. By comparison, Birnbaum tackles all these issues head on. Potentialism describes human emotion and art as easily as it describes thermodynamics and gravity. Everything in the universe is describable in terms of Potential. And the theory seamlessly handles the entire flow of cosmic history and advance.

For those who wonder where the hard math of science comes in, that is where Seth Lloyd enters the story. Lloyd has done extensive research on quantum mechanics and how it shapes the natural world around us. Based on his extensive knowledge, Lloyd has also produced highly respected computer century though, the US has unleashed two sophisticated and cutting-edge
models of how the universe is governed by quantum mechanical principles.

And what are MIT Professor Seth Lloyd’s own findings? Lloyd in his 2006 work Programming the Universe sees the universe as a quantum information-processing organic entity. That’s a mouthful, but what Lloyd is proposing is that the universe keeps iterating and advancing to seek ever-richer complexity. But wait, that is what Birnbaum first proposed in 1988 (see

In any event, the 2006 Lloyd theory complements – and dovetails with – the 1988 Birnbaum theory. Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential actually wraps-around the (more limited and contained) Lloyd proposition. Birnbaum in 1988 provides the conceptual context, concept, igniter, drive and goal of the universe; Lloyd proposes the (crucial) mechanics; Birnbaum has been clear – see – that he is quite honored to have MIT’s Lloyd as part of his metaphysics/physics tag-team; together, they present an elegant 21st growth and advance, quite readily trumping the (now antiquated) 20th construct of decay and aimlessness.

The advance of knowledge and science is inexorable; Harvard’s Birnbaum and MIT’s Lloyd have successfully dethroned Cambridge and Oxford’s hegemony, and set-the-stage for 21st cosmology. Onward!


David Birnbaum Metaphysics

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