
March 2, 2014



The David Birnbaum metaphysics/cosmology unifies physics, spirituality and philosophy.




Conceptual breakthrough 21st Century Cosmology, Metaphysics, Philosophy:
Summa Metaphysica develops the David Birnbaum philosophy of Infinite Quest for Potential.


November 20, 2014



Potentialism Theory’s Cosmic Goal: E+

Cosmologist David Birnbaum’s Cosmic Multi-Tasker

Potentialism Theory is the metaphysics crafted by David Birnbaum of Manhattan (see via his iconic 3-volume Summa Metaphysica series (1988, 2005, 2014). See

One of the theory’s core components is E+, or Extraordinariation. E+, as discerned/hypothesized by Birnbaum, is the end- goal/horizon of the cosmic order. It is the theoretical quite-extraordinary ‘world to come’ – but in theory it potentially ‘manifests’ in this world.

Per the Summa Metaphysica website, basically, E+ is a turbo-charged version of ‘the extraordinary’:
“Extraordinariation would include, but not be limited to, ultimate –
grandeur…elegance…beauty…symmetry…fulfillment....consciousness…harmony…artistry… symphony…spirituality...perfection…humanitarianism…romancing… love…parenting...meaning...altruism…mercy…”

E+ would, as well, represent ultimate super-complexity; that is, ever-increased complexity/sophistication/richness/integration/variety/wondrousness
– plus possibilities and potentials as yet not conceptualized by us. Thus, to put it mildly, E+ is a ‘tall order.’

Thus, in combination, the possible outermost-limit realization of the myriad potentials noted above – both the known and unknown – would define the extraordinaration goal. In parallel to the concept of infinity, extraordnariation is a goal to be approached - ever-nearer - but conceptually not ever quite-fully realized.

Many religions hyopothesize an idyllic ‘world to come’ post-death; in parallel, Potentialism Theory hypothesizes an idyllic theoretical ‘world to come’, but in this reality, this world (albeit eons outward in time). Thus, the general concept (of an extraordinary future in one dimension or another) is perhaps embedded in the human genome.

As noted, Harvard-educated and yeshiva-educated independent scholar David Birnbaum proposes that the core inherent underlying/overarching cosmic drive of the universe is - Infinite Quest for Potential∞. This hypothesized dynamic is an innate directive of the universe as a whole to seek-after its own Potential – to optimize/maximize what it is possible. That is, eternal and infinite Quest for Potential∞ (iterating infinitely forward) seeks-after Extraordionariation (E+). This last sentence is the guts of Potentialism Theory.

As the E+ name sounds, the Birnbaum-coined term and hypothesized dynamic Extraordinariation - is the collective grouping of extraordinary potentialities down-the-road. See

Birnbaum observes that an examination of the course of cosmic history to-date, will back up his proposition that E+ is indeed the cosmic end goal/horizon. A cursory check would show that, indeed, it seems to work. And as we heard in the notorious O.J. Simpson trial, “if the glove fits, you must convict.” Seriously, al the empirical data fits this observation, i.e. that the universe vectors towards the increasingly-extraordinary. See also

Summarizing the key terms of Potentialism Theory:


Infinite Quest for Potential∞ : the (eternal and overarching) cosmic driver. Expressions of Q4P∞ occur endlessly all around us on an everyday basis. Q4P∞ itself is the continual striving of everything thing in the universe to increase its complexity - enroute to Extraordinariation (E+).

We witness Q4P∞, for example, in the formations of molecules – when a pair of hydrogen atoms bond to an oxygen atom to make water, or when a tree releases a seed and the seedling takes root. It can even be you, personally, perhaps reading a new book to expand your breadth of knowledge; it can be a married couple building a family. Q4P∞ forges-ahead. And as long as this happens on an ongoing basis, Q4P∞ → E+ steams ahead doing its everyday job.


Complexification: The intermediate drive towards increasing complexity/sophistication/richness/integration/variety/wondrousness


Extraordinariation: That is, via C+, Q4P∞ strives towards a destination E+, with E+ being more of a horizon – to be approached but never quite realized – than an actual reality-point. E+ is not something ever to actually be witnessed first-hand in the cosmos. Rather it is the idealized potential-perfection-point where the universe inexorably is headed.

The SuperLaw

E+ is a core tenant of Birnbaum’s proposed Superlaw of the cosmic order: Q4P∞ > C+ > E+.
That is, Quest for Potential∞ (Q4P) > Complexification (C+) > Extraordinariation (E+).

Push – Pull

The SuperLaw identifies Q4P∞ as a causal factor and E+ as an (eventual) cosmic result. To rephrase, Q4P∞ is often seen as the Push of the universe; E+, on the other hand, is the Pull. Q4P∞ drives us forward in the direction, while E+ pulls us/beckons us forward.

Effect or Cause – or Both?

However, PUSH and PULL. Q4P∞ (Quest for Potential) exerted the PUSH; E+ exerted the PULL. The PUSH is more readily understandable; but how was this PULL effected?

Birnbaum (audaciously) hypothesizes that the possibility of the myriad extraordinary potentials down-the-road exerted a PULL on ‘the present’ helping to instigate the ‘genesis point’. Birnbaum parallels his hypothesis with a financing technique in contemporary finance, the Leveraged Buyout (also known as an LBO).

In an LBO, typically a very senior and key management group of a particular company is able to arrange funding to buy their own company based on future earnings of the same company – which they will then manage. Thus the company is bought with its own anticipated earnings down-the-road. That is, the strong earnings potentials down-the-road is deployed as leverage to launch the deal in the present.

So too the cosmic order. Birnbaum proposes that a very key aspect in ‘the genesis point,’ was that the ‘energy’ of the myriad extraordinary potentials down the road, was (somehow) marshaled to ignite the present.

Extraordinariation beckons-forth

That is to say, Extraordinariation exists beckoning Q4P∞ forward; therefore E+ is fully-linked with the Quest for Infinite Potential.

It seems antithetical to say that the result is a product of the cause. But the universe is an incredible place, even more-so given its (potentially) closed loop nature.

Thus we find in a closed causal system such as Potentialism Theory, an instigator can also be an end-goal. The SuperLaw Q4P∞ > E+ is truly an infinite loop of cause and effect governing our incredible universe. See

The Summa series:

Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005); and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). See


Summa Metaphysica has been –
# the prime focus of a major international academic conference (see
# a Course Text at over a dozen colleges (see SummaCourseText )
# the focus of over 150 articles/reviews and of over eighty feature articles in 2013-2014 alone (see

Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum's Theory of Potential (see include the following:

Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT;
Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU;
Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT.




The fatal challenge to hard-line atheism: 21st Century Cosmology, Metaphysics, Philosophy:
Summa Metaphysica develops the David Birnbaum philosophy and its attendant teleology
of an iterative universe inexorably seeking-after its maximum potential.


June 13, 2014



The Common Denominator of the Cosmic Order

Key terms:

Potentialism aka The Theory of Potential is the metaphysics theory developed via independent scholar David Birnbaum’s 3-part Summa Metaphysica treatise (1988, 2005, 2014).

Q4P = Quest for Potential infinitely iterated
(Birnbaum’s hypothesized core cosmic dynamic see

E+ = Extraordinariation
(Birnbaum’s hypothesized cosmic goal, see )


Potentialism is an overarching cosmological theory that attacks head on, the greatest of cosmology's questions: the Theory of Everything. ToE is the search for a unifying theory which can explain the universe on the micro and macro scale, from quantum particles to the turning of the galaxies.

ToE already sounds too difficult a task. But Potentialists take it one step further. It is not sufficient for the Potentialist to simply unify Einsteinian and Newtonian physics with quantum physics. To Potentialists, ToE must encompass life as well. Any true ToE must not only describe the micro and macro, but be able to define the workings of life itself: the mechanics of the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom as well as the workings of humankind itself.

A bridge too far? A hopeless quest? To most, perhaps. But Potentialism proponents thrive on the unassailable. To a Potentialist, the game is all-or-nothing. Potentialism, unlike other disciplines, refuses to “settle”. To the Potentialist, any theory which cannot include humankind and, more broadly, life as a whole – is simply the ToST – the Theory of Some Things. Put in those terms, it is clear to see why they shun any theory which lacks full inclusiveness.

Potentialism is defined by the concept of the Quest for Infinite Potential. Q4P is the simple theory that the universe as a whole – as well as its individual parts – is defined by an inherent drive towards infinite complexity/extraordinariness – an ever-fuller realization of its own potential. Potentialism may be a theory, but it is also an applied scientific theory. As such, its success and trueness are based on a set of principles which need to be empirically provable. The ToE must be:

Universal      – applicable from the micro to macro as well as be observable in the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms.

It      must be simple and irreducible.

It      must be absolutely pervasive – so much so that it is nearly undetectable without conscious analysis.

The Quest for Potential, in its simplest form is expressed as: Q4P→ E+

That is, the Quest for Infinite Potential is the cosmic drive which strives towards E+. E+ is shorthand for what Potentialists refer to as Extraordinariation – a state of super-complexity/extraordinary. Note that E+ is more of a goal over-the-horizon like infinity, than an

achievable state. To see if Q4P satisfies the standards of ToE at all cosmic levels, let us analyze each in turn, beginning with scale, and then analyze the different kingdoms of existence.

Quantum Level

Q4P is perhaps most easily identified on the smallest and largest scales. On the smallest scale is the quantum level. It is often noted by Potentialists that the quantum level offers the most direct evidence of Q4P at work. While larger, macro scales tend to hide their mechanics within their own complexity – the quantum level is so small, simple and concise that it has trouble obfuscating its exact nature. Indeed, Q4P is clearly expressed in quantum level potentiality – the distinct on/off, binary nature of quantum events. Likewise the binary nature of quantum mechanics is prevalent in the Planck constants.

In quantum mechanics, when enough of a catalyst (be it heat, energy, size, etc.,) are present, a quantum event occurs as a particle achieves its potential state. This quantum shift is a material expression of a Q4P threshold being met which causes a shift towards E+, or extraordinariation, as a particle changes from a simpler to a more complex state.

Micro/Molecular Level

Likewise, Q4P is clearly shown to be present on a molecular level. In the absence of a striving towards complexity, atoms could simply exist in their perfect, uncharged states. However, in reality, we see that anions and cations are readily abundant. This charge imperfection naturally lends atoms to co-mingling, giving rise to ever greater complexity/sophistication in which elements share particles to form intricate molecular structures.

The formation of atoms is predictive in Potentialist theory, as post Big Bang protons and electrons were free of any atomic structure. But, in keeping with Q4P's inexorable call for complexity/sophistication, these particles naturally gravitated towards one another to create the current base elements in an expression of Q4P → E+.

Animal Kingdom

Sitting astride the line between the micro and macro, Potentialists are required to detour to account for the rich tapestry of terrestrial life. Holding itself to a higher standard of proof than other scientific models, Potentialism asserts that Q4P must be equally applicable to living phenomena as well as to the greater cosmos.

Darwinism is the most obvious proof of both the Q4P drive and its resultant march towards Extraordinariation. Nature shows an inherent “desire” towards greater and greater complexity/sophistication, evidenced in its continually changing and adapting forms. However, Darwinism by itself is a horribly imperfect tool for truly describing evolutionary changes. While it does describe certain mechanisms for survival-driven species’ metamorphosis, it does not account for what, by Darwinian terms, can only be construed as ‘pointless and accidental.’

What Darwinism cannot account for, or incorrectly labels as ‘pointless’, are actually evolutionary innovations which have an extrinsic finality. In more simple terms, while an adaptation may not be useful for a single organism regarding its ability to survive and reproduce, it does follow a purposed evolutionary framework if the adaptation furthers either the species as a whole or the broader ecosystem in which the organism resides.

Usually, the latter is deconstructed as teleological, distinct from Darwinism. However, as predicted within the framework of Potentialism, if one assumes the drive for Darwinian evolution is identical to that driving teleological evolution, it becomes apparent there is little difference between these two theories. Rather, these theories are simply different, on a matter of scale, but parallel expressions of Q4P → E+.

Human Level

Likewise, as an extension of the animal kingdom, humankind is seen to be governed by Q4P as well. Already immersed in Darwinian evolution as previously discussed, mankind represents one of the fundamental or quantum moments (in terms of a watershed change to a higher, more complex state) expressed by Q4P as a manifestation of the march towards Extraordinariation.
Birnbaum refers to these significant/watershed/critical-mass events on the march towards E+ as Quantum Jumps (QJ events). Specifically, humankind represents a new order of complexity/sophistication in that it is self-aware and capable of reasoning, abstract thought and highly-nuanced emotion.

Interestingly, as Extraordinariation is conceived as an infinite state of complexity/sophistication, humankind is not seen by Potentialists as being in a state of rest or perfection. The manifestation of humankind, an entity which can express itself cognitively in ways no animal can, is just another stepping stone on the path to super-Complexity/Sophistication.

What that final stage of super-Complexity/Sophistication might be or whether it is even achievable is, to the Potentialist, unknown. What is blatantly clear, on the other hand, is that the universe was not content with simple biological complexity and, as it achieved a new level of complexity, it branched out into cognitive complexity. Simply put, the move from single celled life to multi-cellular life, as well as the move from animal to humankind, are both examples of Quantum Jumps (QJs) on the march towards Extraordinariation, in which Q4P reaches critical mass and becomes a catalyst for an event on the march towards E+.

Cosmic Level

Drawing back to our review of the micro and macro, we next move to the cosmic level to see if the pervasive nature of Q4P still holds true. As on the micro scale, Q4P shows its presence in the macro. On a cosmic level, pure energy at the Big Bang event quickly gave birth to matter. That matter coalesced eventually into atomic systems, followed by the molecular.

On a cosmic scale, these clouds of molecules and atoms converged to create dense stars – the nuclear furnaces of the cosmos – as well as the cooler planets and smaller bodies which orbit them. Q4P though requires that these heavenly bodies strive for more complexity towards E+. These Quantum Jump (QJ) events are witnessed in the formation of atmospheres and, in the instance of the earth, in the development of ecosystems which regulate the chemistry and bio-sphere of the planet.

On a grander cosmic scale is the organizations of galaxies, a QJ event which proves to have greater and greater complexity/sophistication as modern science grows more efficient at observing them. Vast spaces of dark matter, separated by countless solar systems, revolving around massive galactic centers with super-massive black holes which distort time and space. The very complexity of these galactic systems are 1) unnecessary for matter to exist and 2) a clear expression of fundamentally high levels of complexity. This expression of complexity/sophistication as the cosmos expands is yet another repeating example of Q4P driving the cosmos to Extraordinariation: Q4P → E+.

Universal Level The

Thus it is obvious that Potentialism has met all its objectives in its proof for the Q4P Theory model. An innate, teleological drive for the universe can be seen at each level between the micro and macro as well as inherent in the animal kingdom. Most importantly though, it is demonstrably and empirically shown to be pervasive.

Fundamental Dynamic

While Q4P necessarily predicts a quasi-intelligent, teleologically based universe, Potentialism describes no certain qualities to this drive. To the religious, they might see the hand of the divine in such drive complexity. By contrast, the secular community might ascribe a strictly, non sentient, but natural teleological drive to Q4P. To Potentialists though, all that matters is the drive exists towards Extraordinariation and it will continue to manifest itself cosmologically. Under its umbrella, the religious and secularists can debate the nature of the Quest for Infinite Potential and Extraordinariation. The only reality the true Potentialist concern themselves with is understanding what fundamental dynamic drives the universe and shapes its future. The Potentialism hypothesis is one simple formula Q4P → E+ no less profound in its reach and implications than E=mc²:




Pardigm-challenge 21st Century Cosmology, Metaphysics, Philosophy:
Summa Metaphysica elucidates the David Birnbaum philosophy of a fully integrated, iterative,
and intra-communicative Cosmic Order.

Jonathan Sacks

Appendices from Summa Metaphysica II : God & Good
relating to -

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

author, The Great Partnership




Framing Beliefs


“There are many other unprovable framing beliefs, and they have perplexed philosophers since humans first thought systematically about such things. Is there really a world out there, or are there only our sense impressions? Are there other minds? Do we have free will? Has the universe existed for billions of years, or did it come into existence five minutes ago, together with false memories and evidence? These are staple topics of any introductory course of philosophy. Framing beliefs – that there is an external world, and other minds, and free will – lie beyond the scope of proof. Nonetheless, they are what give meaning to the chaos of experience.*”

from the author -

I am proposing the Summa hypothesis/theory/paradigm –
Q4P / Extraordinariation – as a “Framing Belief”


* Jonathan Sacks, The Great Partnership, New York: Random House, Inc. 2011, p.33




The Goldilocks Dilemma***


“As we were leaving, a stranger came up to me, gentle and unassuming, and said, ‘I’ve just written a book that I think you might find interesting. If I may, I’ll send it to you.’ I thanked him and some days later the book arrived. It was called Just Six Numbers [© 2001], and with a shock of recognition I realized who the stranger was: Sir Martin, now Lord, Rees, Astronomer Royal, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge and President of the Royal Society, the world’s oldest and most famous scientific association. Sir Martin was, in other words, Britain’s most distinguished scientist.

The thesis of the book was that there are six mathematical constants that determine the physical shape of the universe. Had any one of them been even slightly different, the universe as we know it would not exist. Nor would life. It was my first glimpse into the new cosmology and the string of recent discoveries of how improbable our existence actually is. James Le Fanu, in his 2009 book Why Us?, adds to this a slew of new findings in neuroscience and genetics to suggest that we are on the brink of a paradigm shift that will overturn the scientific materialism of the past two centuries.

The new paradigm must also lead to a renewed interest in and sympathy for religion in its broadcast sense, as a means of expressing wonder at the ‘mysterium tremendum et fascinans’ of the natural world. It is not the least of the ironies of the New Genetics and the Decade of the Brain that they have vindicated the two main impetuses to religious belief – the non-material reality of the human soul and the beauty and diversity of the living world – while confounding the principle tenets of materialism: that Darwin’s ‘reason for everything’ explains the natural world and our origins, and that life can be ‘reduced’ to the chemical genes, the mind to the physical brain. (James Le Fanu, Why Us?, p.258)

There may be, in other words, a new synthesis in the making. It will be very unlike the Greek thought-world of the medieval scholastics with its emphasis on changelessness and harmony. Instead it will speak about the emergence of order, the distribution of intelligence and information processing, the nature of self-organizing complexity, the way individuals display a collective intelligence that is a property of groups, not just the individuals that comprise them, the dynamic of evolving systems and what leads some to equilibrium, others to chaos. Out of this will emerge new metaphors of nature and humanity, flourishing and completeness.”*



*** Jonathan Sacks, The Great Partnership, New York: Random House, Inc. 2011, pp.75-76


from the author –

As noted in the 2001 Sir Martin Rees book Just Six Numbers, there are at least 6 cosmological constants, (and, actually maybe a dozen+) which, if adjusted by even 1 decimal point would preclude the cosmos having life, among other things, as we know it.

Thus, “life” – and existence – exists at the “knife-edge” of the precision of these constants.

By-and-large the scientific community and the theological community is
not-quite-sure exactly how to understand this “synchronicity.”

However, from Summa’s perspective the resolution is clear. Obvious. The cosmic order orients itself – and its crucial/integral cosmological constants – to advance inter-related goals of life, potential and extraordinariation.







“God is the distant voice we hear and seek to amplify in our systems of meaning, each particular to a culture, a civilization, a faith. God is the One within the many; the unity at the core of our diversity; the call that leads us to journey beyond the self and its strivings, to enter into otherness and be enlarged by it, to seek to be a vehicle through which blessing flows outwards to the world, to give thanks for the miracle of being and the radiance that shines wherever two lives touch in affirmation, forgiveness and love.”*




*** Jonathan Sacks, The Great Partnership, New York: Random House, Inc. 2011, p.94




Man: Mortal or Divine***


“When I behold Your Heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and stars that You set in place,
What is man that You are mindful of him,
Mortal man that You take note of him?
Yet You have made him little less than the angels
And adorned him with glory and majesty.”

Psalm 8:3-5
(c. 1000 BCE)

“Pico della Mirandola (1463-94) was one of the moving spirits of the Italian Renaissance. Born into an aristocratic family, he was a child prodigy, mastering Latin and Greek at an early age and winning the title of papal protonotary when we was only ten. Initially intending a career in the Church, he went to the University of Bologna to study law, but widened his interests to include philosophy, which he pursued at the universities of Ferrara and Padua.

In 1486 he completed his monumental 900 Theses, Conclusiones philosophicae, cabalasticae et theologicae, on the entire range of human knowledge. To accompany them he wrote his Oration on the Dignity of Man, widely regarded as a manifesto of the Renaissance. In it he argued that the human person was the centerpiece of creation, the one being other than God himself who had no fixed nature. Endowed with freedom, he could rise higher than the angels or fall lower than the animals. This is how he imagines God addressing the first human:

Adam, we give you no fixed place to live, no form that is peculiar to you, nor any function that is yours alone… All other things have a limited and fixed nature prescribed and bounded by our laws. You, with no limit or no bound, may choose for yourself the limits and bounds of your nature. We have placed you at the world’s center so that you may survey everything else in the world. We have made you neither of heavenly nor of Earthly stuff, neither mortal nor immortal, so that with free choice and dignity, you may fashion yourself into whatever form you choose. To you is granted the power of degrading yourself into the lower forms of life, the beasts, and to you is granted the power, contained in your intellect and judgment, to be reborn into the higher forms, the divine.”*

*Oration on the Dignity of Man (1486), the text available at: See Ernst Cassirer, Paul Oskar Kristeller and John Herman Randall, Jr, The Rennaissane Philosophy of Man, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1948; M.V. Dougherty (ed.), Pico della Mirandola: New Essays, Cambridge University Press, 2008.




*** Jonathan Sacks, The Great Partnership, New York: Random House, Inc. 2011, pp.111-112




New Interpretations***


“I end with a fascinating comment by the nineteenth-century Jewish mystic Rabbi Zadok haCohen of Lublin (1823-1900).

‘Every day there are new interpretations of Torah, because every day, continually, God renews the work of creation.’ Since the world was created according to the Torah...presumably, the renewal of the world comes about through new aspects of Torah. That is why after the blessing [in the morning prayers] ‘creator of the heavenly lights’ which speaks about the daily renewal of creation, the sages instituted a second blessing which is a form of blessing over the which we ask to know the new interpretations of Torah which come about through the new aspects of creation....’

Rabbi Zadock haCohen, Tzidkat ha-Tzaddik, 92
(c. 1870)

According to Rabbi Zadok, since the God of creation is the God of revelation, and since the Torah is itself a commentary on the natural world, every new scientific discovery generates new religious insight. By daily renewing creation, God is daily renewing, our insight into his creative will.”





*** Jonathan Sacks, The Great Partnership, New York: Random House, Inc. 2011, pp.111-112

See also David Birnbaum philosophy Theory of Everything.

David Birnbaum Journals

David Birnbaum Metaphysics


  Summa Metaphysica / Potentialism Theory  
has been featured in 100+ articles
in 55+ journals;
and has been assigned as a Course Text at 15+ colleges
and has secured 40+ distinguished testimonials

Summa Metaphysica

David Birnbaum Summa Metaphysica Quest for Potential (Q4p) Books Journals

POTENTIAL drives the universe - Birnbaum

Course Text

David Birnbaum Summa Metaphysica Philosophy Theory has been a course text at the colleges and university

Journals featuring David Birnbaum Summa Metaphysica Philosophy Theory




David Birnbaum Summa Metaphysica philosophy treatise proposes its signature Potentialism Theory.

“Potentialism proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’, and not a ‘classic entity’. The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential(Q4P∞) strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the 'beginning of time’, eternal Quest for Potential(Q4P∞) harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic - Quest for Potential(Q4P∞) in league with Physics-Math - then acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, language, emotion, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.”


Conference and Journal featuring David Birnbaum Summa Metaphysica Philosophy Theory

Summa Metaphysica's Theory of Potential

A Unified Metaphysics / Cosmology / Philosophy

by David Birnbaum

3 Summa Metaphysica back covers

Book Back Cover featuring David Birnbaum Summa Metaphysica Philosophy Theory


Book 2 Back Cover of David Birnbaum Summa Metaphysica Philosophy Theory


Quest for Potential (Q4P), Book Back Cover featuring David Birnbaum Summa Metaphysica Philosophy Theory


Q4P∞ → C+ → E+



More Testimonials (7) on David Birnbaum Summa Metaphysica Philosophy Theory. The David Birnbaum metaphysics/cosmology unifies science, spirituality and philosophy.




- as author

4-volume Summa Metaphysica ( )
2- volume The Crucifixion ( )
7-volume Jews, Church & Civilization ( )


- as editor-in-chief

10-volume Mesorah Matrix ( )

150+ global thought leaders


- as conceptualizer

3-volume Summa Spinoffs ( )
8-volume Potentialism Theory via Graphic-Narrative ( )


- as commentator -

Manhattan Observer ( )


- YouTube channels -

Summa Metaphysica

Mesorah Matrix



100+ focused feature articles on Summa Metaphysica's Potentialism Theory


for 100+ links

David Birnbaum's philosophical theory de facto cracks the cosmic code. See Summa Metaphysica, New Paradigm Matrix Publishing (1988, 2005, 2014.)

( Birnbaum Academic Site )


recent hi-level academic works
dovetailing with Birnbaum's
Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014)

Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006)
        by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT.

Mind & Cosmos (Oxford University Press, 2012)
        by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU.

Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014)
        by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT.


Summa Metaphysica - Morphed Cosmic Order

Summa Metaphysica - Morphed Cosmic Order

Summa Metaphysica - Morphed Cosmic Order

Summa Metaphysica - Morphed Cosmic Order

Summa Metaphysica - Morphed Cosmic Order

Summa Metaphysica - Morphed Cosmic Order

Summa Metaphysica - Morphed Cosmic Order


100+ Review Articles
recent journal articles on complete Summa Metaphysica series

Updated: 4/14/21 (11:00 am)

September 3, 2016
St. Augustine Record: The philosophy of David Brinbaum about the cosmic code


September 3, 2016
The Topeka Capital-Journal: How David Birnbaum debunked the mystery of existence?


June 10, 2015
HUFFINGTON POST (USA): David Birnbaum Cracks the Cosmic Code


April 7, 2015
TIMES OF ISRAEL: A Dead Soldier’s Infinite Potential


March 10, 2015
HUFFINGTON POST (USA): Going Boldly Where No Man Has Gone Before:
A Conversation with Metaphysicist David Birnbaum on Leonard Nimoy’s Legacy


February 10, 2015
ACADEMIA.EDU: The Trajectory of the Big Bang


February 9, 2015
iREPORT CNN: Ultimate Self-Actualization


February 6, 2015
EPOCH TIMES: Tikkun Olam & David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica


February 5, 2015
IDEASTAP: The History of Ideas & Summa Metaphysica’s Potentialism Theory


February 5, 2015
ROCKET NEWS: Playing with Infinity


February 4, 2015
FUTURE TECH: The Birnbaum Theorem


January 28, 2015
WORLD.EDU: Philosophy: The prime mover of the Cosmos?


January 22, 2015
BROOWAHA: Ultimate Inter-Disciplinary Theory


January 7, 2015
ACADEMIA.EDU: The Cosmic Matrix Club


January 5, 2015
FUTURE TECH: Complexification (C+): Cornerstone of Summa Metaphysica’s Potentialism Theory


December 16, 2014
LIFERAY: Summa Metaphysica & Calculus


December 11, 2014
iReport CNN: The Last Greek Philosopher


December 9, 2014
FUTURE TECH: Two Cosmologies Explaining the Universe


November 20, 2014
ROCKET NEWS: The Core DNA of the Cosmic Order


November 20, 2014
BROOWAHA: The Philosophical Vanguard


November 20, 2014
JUBILEE: The Cosmic Tango


November 20, 2014
ACADEMIA.EDU: The Singularity of the Big Bang:
Juxtaposing entrenched orthodoxy theory v. Potentialism theory


November 20, 2014
iREPORT CNN: Potentialism Theory’s Cosmic Goal: E+


November 19, 2014
EXAMINER: David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory: The (brutal) Politics of Philosophy


November 19, 2014
WORLD.EDU: Philosophy: The simultaneous solution


November 9, 2014
NEW ZEALAND TIMES: God does not play dice with the universe


November 9, 2014
THE SOUTH AFRICAN: Has Outsider David Birnbaum Trumped the Entire Academic Establishment?


November 9, 2014
AUSTRALIAN TIMES: Philosophy & Cosmic Purpose:
Juxtaposing two philosophers: David Birnbaum & Thomas Nagel


October 28, 2014
ACADEMIA.EDU: Unifying Science, Spirituality & Philosophy


October 27, 2014
WORLD.EDU: Iconic Paradigm Challenges: Relativity Theory & Potentialism Theory


October 9, 2014
QCN (STANFORD / UC RIVERSIDE): The Accelerating Universe


October 9, 2014


October 8, 2014
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (UNT): Galapagos: Evolution: the revolutionary hypothesis...


October 8, 2014
EINSTEIN@HOME: The Tao of Potentialism: Yin & Yang Meets Western Cosmology


October 7, 2014
HARVARD INNOVATION: What Ignited our cosmos?


October 7, 2014
POCKET KNOWLEDGE: Potentialism for Teens


October 7, 2014
MILKYWAY@HOME: Potentialism & Cosmic Consciousness: The Forward Wave


September 22, 2014
NEW ZEALAND TIMES: Potentialism & Modern Cosmology


September 17, 2014
FUTURE TECH: Two Dynamic Contemporary Cosmological Theories


September 16, 2014
JUBILEE: Inter-Disciplinary Metaphysical Warriors: Harvard’s David Birnbaum & Yale’s David Gelernter


September 16, 2014
WORLD.EDU: How Harvard and MIT checkmated Oxford and Cambridge


September 15, 2014
THE SOUTH AFRICAN: Potentialism & Quantum Cosmology


September 4, 2014
iREPORT CNN: Philosophy: The Push–Pull of the Cosmic Order


September 4, 2014
IDEASTAP: Breaking the Code of the Cosmic Order


September 4, 2014
BROOWAHA: Does God Seek After Own Potential?


August 26, 2014
THE SOUTH AFRICAN: Potentialism’s Universal Dynamic: from Macro to Micro levels


August 26, 2014
NEW ZEALAND TIMES: Cutting-edge Science v. Intellectual Torpor


August 26, 2014
AUSTRALIAN TIMES: Juxtaposition: Birnbaum v. Davies


August 22, 2014
JUBILEE: Is God Dead? Hawking v. Birnbaum


August 22, 2014
ACADEMIA.EDU: The 7 Criteria for a Great Metaphysics


August 22, 2014
ASH CENTER (HARVARD – KENNEDY SCHOOL): The Theory of Potential & MIT’s Finest


August 22, 2014
QCN (STANFORD / UC RIVERSIDE): The Universal Computer and the Cosmic Womb


August 21, 2014
FUTURE TECH: Potentialism’s Intermediate Dynamic


August 21, 2014
EINSTEIN @ HOME / MAX PLANCK INST.: Summa Metaphysica: Unifying Aristotle and Einstein


August 21, 2014
LIFERAY: The Cosmic T-Shirt


August 21, 2014
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (UNT): Three Views on Evolution: Randomness, ID, Potentialism


August 20, 2014
REGENT COLLEGE (COSMOS): Physicist Tegmark v. Metaphysicist Birnbaum


August 20, 2014
MILKYWAY @ HOME (BERKELEY & RPI): How to Crack the Cosmic Code


August 19, 2014
SETI HOME (Berkeley): The Pattern to Cosmic Advance – Quest for Potential


August 19, 2014
EPOCH TIMES: The Cosmic ‘Free Lunch’: Stephen Hawking v. David Birnbaum


August 6, 2014
BROOWAHA: The Mind of God: Hawking v. Birnbaum


August 5, 2014
EPOCH TIMES: Potentialism: 25th Anniversary of Launch or The Law of Unintended Consequences as applied to Philosophy


August 5, 2014
ACADEMIA.EDU: Potentialism: The (sole) Closed Causal Loop Metaphysics


August 1, 2014
LOGICAL SCIENCE: Potentialism: The X-Factor


July 11, 2014
ACADEMIA.EDU: Eternal Origins: X-Factor


July 10, 2014
WORLD.EDU: The Superlaw of Potentialism


July 3, 2014
BEFORE IT’S NEWS: Does Quest for Potential∞ Define the Universe?


June 30, 2014
NEWSVINE: Intellectual Revolution Underway


June 20, 2014
LOGICAL SCIENCE: de Chardin’s Omega Point v. Birnbaum’s E+


June 20, 2014
LERA BLOG: Checkmate: How Private Scholar David Birnbaum Cracked the Cosmic Code


June 13, 2014
UNIVERSITIES NEWS: The Cosmic Journey of Consciousness


June 13, 2014
iREPORT CNN: The Common Denominator of the Cosmic Order


June 12, 2014
EXAMINER: The Summa Metaphysica Firestorm


June 12, 2014
AUSTRALIAN TIMES: Cosmic Origins & Summa Metaphysicav


June 12, 2014
NEW ZEALAND TIMES: Challenging the Entrenched Orthodoxy


June 12, 2014
THE SOUTH AFRICAN: Potential: The Janus-Faced Dynamic


June 11, 2014
ACADEMIA.EDU: Summa Metaphysica: The (true) Theory of Everything


June 6, 2014
WORLD.EDU: Is there any Option B to Birnbaum's Theory of Potential?


June 5, 2014
FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: Glossary of Potentialism Terms


June 4, 2014
EPOCH TIMES: Birnbaum’s Beethoven or Darwin’s Beethoven


May 30, 2014
LOGICAL SCIENCE: A Tantalizing Question


May 22, 2014
UNIVERSITIES NEWS: Potentialism & Stem Cells


May 15, 2014
ACADEMIA.EDU: The Mechanics of Potentialism:Exploring the Q4P and E+ Relationship


April 24, 2014
WORLD.EDU: 21st Century Paradigm Challenge


April 18, 2014
EPOCH TIMES: Cosmic Womb of Potential


April 14, 2014
NEW ZEALAND TIMES: Summa Metaphysica’s Cosmic Gateway


April 12, 2014
UNIVERSITIES NEWS: Wrapping Around Einstein


April 11, 2014
FUTURE TECH: The Human Portion of the Cosmic Gateway


April 9, 2014
CNN iREPORT: A Collision in Time


April 8, 2014
ACADEMIA.EDU: David Birnbaum’s Inter-Disciplinary Philosophy


March 21, 2014
BROOWAHA: Transcendent Force?


March 20, 2014
NEW ZEALAND TIMES: Clash of Two Worlds


March 17, 2014
EPOCH TIMES: Age of Potentialism


March 14, 2014
THE SOUTH AFRICAN: The Colonies Revolt: II


March 11, 2014
ACADEMIA.EDU:Fractals: The Mathematical Underpinnings of Potentialism


March 10, 2014
AUSTRALIAN TIMES: Potentialism v. Randomness/Atheism


March 3, 2014
IDEAS TAP: An Imaginary 2014 Discussion: Aristotle and David Birnbaum


March 2, 2014
CNN iREPORT: 100 Elements + Potentialism = Humanity


March 2, 2014
INDEPENDENT SANTA BARBARA: Global Battle over Metaphysics


Feb 25, 2014
FUTURE TECH: 7000 Years in the Making


Feb 18, 2014
SCIENCERAY: Does The Universe Self-iterate?


Feb 12, 2014
DIGITAL JOURNAL: A scientific view of the God question


Feb 12, 2014
NEWSVINE: New Paradigm Designer


Jan 31, 2014
HUFFINGTON POST: Two Schemas of the Universe


Jan 17, 2014
YAHOO! VOICES: Intellectual Pursuit Versus Collegiate Orthodoxy


Jan 16, 2014


Dec 21, 2013
FRONTIERS IN SCIENCE: Potentialism or String Theory?


Dec 18, 2013
LOGICAL SCIENCE: Q4P: What Is It? Why Do We Care?


Nov. 19, 2013


Nov 4, 2013
EXAMINER: Summa Metaphysica – Philosophy, Is there a Purpose?


June 2013
FOCUS TAPES: Summa Metaphysica


Mar 20, 2009
LONG ISLAND JEWISH WORLD: embedded Kabbalah matrix


Jan 1990 (no exact date)
THE JEWISH REVIEW: Birnbaum's God and Evil


Dec 22, 1989
JEWISH WORLD: Attempting a solution to the Riddle of God and Evil
Birnbaum: A question that cannot be avoided



March 17, 2014
SCIENCERAY: How a Super-Select British Academic Elite
Betrayed England…and Science


Feb 13, 2014
JUBILEE: Big Brother? The Curious Case of Randomness Theory


February 7, 2014
AUSTRALIAN TIMES: A Cancer in Academe?


Jan 1, 2014
COMMENTARY: The Closing of the Scientific Mind


Rumor has it
that a core (con artist) sub-group of
Darwinists and Random Universe theorists -
deploying toxicity from the shadows -
has almost perfected the art of 'character assassination'
(of ‘Directional Universe’ theorists)



David Birnbaum Philosophy

David Birnbaum Cosmology

David Birnbaum Metaphysics

David Birnbaum Q4P Theory

David Birnbaum Philosophy

Jubilee: Hawking-Birnbaum

August 22, 2014

Jubilee: Hawking-Birnbaum


Is God Dead?

Stephen Hawking v. David Birnbaum

Stephen Hawking, a major contemporary physicist, is as well a sometimes cosmologist, cosmology being the study of the origins and workings of the cosmic order. At times Cambridge professor Hawking is an agnostic (there may or may not be God) and at times he is an atheist (there definitely is no God). To Hawking the universe certainly doesn't need God to originate or to operate – so it is just simpler to assume God is not there. On a broader level, Hawking even asserts that philosophy as a science is also dead. Per Hawking, God is in good company with philosophy, both are superfluous and so to speak dead. Has the esteemed physicist Hawking over-reached?

When in his role as casual cosmologist, Hawking believes that the entire universe can be understood and described with “hard science” alone; to Hawking Physics-Math- Chemistry-Biology hold all the answers to the universe. This (parochial) view actually permeates global hard-science academe. Now, inasmuch as the same in-group tends to review each other’s theories and formal papers, this politically-correct wisdom tends to self-perpetuate. Thus, with the scientific-academic ‘in-crowd’, the ‘tool kit’ for cosmology only embraces what can be measured in the lab, or very direct extrapolations thereof.

Private scholar, David Birnbaum – globally-featured author of the cutting-edge three part philosophy series Summa Metaphysica series – respectfully disagrees (see To Birnbaum both philosophy and the possibility of the infinite divine are very much alive. To conceptual theorist Birnbaum, Physics-Math is necessary but not sufficient to cracking the cosmic code.

Birnbaum’s general approach to scientific academe would probably run something like this: You are truly very smart and astute with lab experiments, observations and related equations – and we have come a long way; however, we all know that vis à vis cosmology, your experiments to date have not gotten us further back than the Big Bang – and there is no indication that you will ever truly be able to do so. Rather than wait around indefinitely, let’s utilize the playbook of metaphysics and see if a true unified and integrated schema can be discerned which more fully and efficiently embraces all knowledge/information/science to date – and yields us an all-embracing theory of the cosmic order.

Per the Summa Metaphysica website – “Birnbaum proposes an original concept as the missing key to understanding the cosmic drama. He proposes his signature concept that Potential is the eternal cosmic dynamic. More precisely, Birnbaum proposes that Quest for Potential (infinitely iterating) is the eternal cosmic dynamic. This dynamic works its way forward over the billions of eons towards first igniting our universe and eventually – down the road – catalyzing the emergence of higher-level consciousness human beings within it.

The core theme of David Birnbaum’s works is that one elegant dynamic and one elegant dynamic, alone (Quest for Potential) both instigates and drives the entire cosmic order. According to him, “Potentialism proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the ‘beginning of time,’ eternal Quest for Potential harnessed the eternal portion of the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. Note that the works of MIT quantum physicist Seth Lloyd (2006) dovetail with the Summa Metaphysica series (1988, 2005, 2014).

This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential in league with Physics-Math – then acted as a catalyst for the route tracking-forwards to high level humans in the 21st Century – tracking forward from the Big Bang thru the emergence of the Elements, primordial star systems, myriad galaxies, supernovas, the sun, our solar system, life, photosynthesis, DNA, organisms, sexual reproduction, multi-cellular life, the Cambrian Explosion, amphibians, forests, reptiles, mammals, dinosaurs, birds, flowers, evolution, hominids, homo sapiens, and ever-increasing consciousness/emotion – and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.”

To Birnbaum, Physics-Math is a tool of the master cosmic dynamic; however, Physics-Math is not the underlying master cosmic dynamic itself; rather, Quest for Potential is.

To employ military terms to help us out here, per Birnbaum, Physics-Math is not the Commander-in-Chief of the cosmic order; rather, it is more the Lieutenant General, charged with implementing prime directive of the cosmic order. Meaning, the ‘hard sciences’ play a very key role in the ongoing cosmic unfolding, but are not the bedrock ultimate (and infinite) core cosmic dynamic. For further elaboration, see

From this author’s perspective, Hawking, while brilliant, when playing cosmologist tends to speak outside his realm of expertise. Physics is not cosmology. Cosmology, a far broader field than physics, actually belongs under the discipline of metaphysics – a branch of Hawking's ‘dead science’ of philosophy. And therein lies the problem: Hawking has nullified a panoply of tools outside of his Physics-Math-Chemistry-Biology tool kit. But, Physics-Math-Chemistry-Biology alone, as Birnbaum has demonstrated from the get-go, are simply unlikely and unable to get to the heart of cosmology.

While metaphysicist/philosopher Birnbaum embraces Hawking’s Physics-Math as integral to cosmology, Hawking delegitimizes Birnbaum’s metaphysics/philosophy as integral (to cosmology).
Birnbaum remains bemused by the militant Hawking approach, which, notwithstanding its imperiousness, clearly does not solve fundamental gaps in cosmic theory; nor does it show any promise of ever doing so. Meaning, per Birnbaum, Hawking et al. violate a fundamental law of intellectual inquiry: Admit that which you do not know.

Metaphysics and cosmology seek answers to the ultimate answers of existence. They have a selection of tools to accomplish that task, two of them being qualitative and quantitative analysis. The first, quantitative, is what physicists do well. It's basically the science of measuring things.

Qualitative is what physicists do horribly with. Qualitative describes what things are like. Now, it can be something more abstract in nature – like how something affects you emotionally or it could be describing something like morality; qualitative also covers things far more concrete – like texture or taste.

Qualitative is clearly outside the realm of physics, but such things as texture and taste are certainly real. And that's why, in the past, physics remembered not to overreach, but rather remembered that it has limitations – and that all the sciences were necessary to discover the whole universe. You didn't ask a biologist to calculate red shift from a distant star (as the answer is in the realm of physics) and you didn't ask a physicist for assistance in understanding a flu virus (as the answer is in the realm of biology). But physics seems to have forgotten those lessons in recent decades. Simply put, the Hawking types err egregiously in invalidating philosophy, metaphysics, spirituality, and the spectrum of the creative as potential key dynamics of the core engine of the cosmic order.

Birnbaum reaches far beyond not only the realms of Physics-Math-Chemistry-Biology, and not only beyond the realms of Philosophy and Spirituality, but also reaches-into totally unexplored terrain: terra incognita. It is in this unexplored terrain that Birnbaum’s fine-tuned intuitive radar conceptualizes his Infinite Quest for Potential dynamic.

And once Birnbaum has radar-lock on his Infinite Quest for Potential, he discerns its repetitive pattern – Quest for Potential > Complexification across the cosmic order in all realms. And once Birnbaum has discerned this repetitive pattern transcending all fields from macro to micro levels, Birnbaum has discerned a transcendent universal teleology (cosmic direction/purpose); and once Birnbaum has discerned a transcendent teleology, we are confronted with the very real possibility of a transcendent consciousness; and therein lies the mystery.

Per Birnbaum, Complexification (shorthand: C+) – the drive towards ever-greater complexity/sophistication/richness/variety/wondrousness – is the ‘handmaiden’ of overarching Infinite Quest for Potential. This pattern of advance continuously repeats itself not only traversing cosmic history, but contemporaneously on myriad levels, indeed, on all levels. One need just ‘step-back’ a bit to discern it.

Where Hawking and his peers tend to see only random, chaotic events, Birnbaum astutely discerns a universal pattern. While Hawking and peers tend to see a ‘random’ universe of ‘decay,’ Birnbaum discerns a ‘patterned’ universe of ongoing ‘growth’ – for 14 billion years and counting.

Metaphysics is an overarching science. To look at the universe through the eyes of a (parochial) physicist bound by politically-correct randomness, it is hard to see either the universal common denominator of the universe or the repeating pattern. However, once Birnbaum has delineated the repeating pastern, it is hard to deny it.

The pattern Quest for Potential > Complexification. The symbolic representation of the repeating pattern would be: Q4P > C+. The common denominator of the cosmic order.

Once articulated (by Birnbaum), when you step back from physics and look at the whole of the universe, and indeed the march of cosmic history, it is really impossible to not see both the dynamic and the related repeating pattern. The pattern appears on every level, and is somewhat ubiquitous. The planet has become more complex – life has, consciousness has, the galaxy has... In fact, regardless of how you look at the universe, the pattern of growing complexity is everywhere. It is universal (see

Is there some infinite driving force/pattern to the universe?

To Birnbaum the answer is definitely ‘yes.’ Is there some divine spark to the universe? To Birnbaum, the answer is ‘possibly yes’; indeed, we (humans) may be the forward edge of this so-to-speak divine spark.

To a pre-Birnbaumiam physicist, even one as legendary a Hawking – with his comparatively narrow set of tools – the answer is a bland ‘no’. Thus, to Hawking et al. God – as well as philosophy – are both, indeed dead. Per Hawking, only his God of Physics is alive and well.

Unfortunately for Messr. Hawking, his mechanistic physics cannot match the grandeur and elegance of Birnbaum’s overarching metaphysics. Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica not only fills-in the key gaping holes in Hawking’s schema – and not only ties-up the untenable loose-ends therein – but indeed, breathtakingly unifies Science, Philosophy and Spirituality – seamlessly and elegantly. Summa Metaphysica’s Theory of Potential – courtesy of metaphysicist Birnbaum – is an achievement of breathtaking proportions. Perhaps Hawking et al. should get with the program – and enter the 21st century. Sooner rather than later.



Challenging the entrenched philosophical establishment: New Paradigm 21st Century Cosmology, Metaphysics, Philosophy:Summa Metaphysica presents the David Birnbaum philosophy of Q4P - Infinite Quest for Potential.


David Birnbaum Metaphysics

March 10, 2014





otentialism v. Randomness/Atheism

10 Mar, 2014


Randomness, a theory proposed by the atheist academic elite of Britain, proposes that there is absolutely no order to the cosmos at all.

A  Q&A  comparison

Rather, the universe is just a random happening of individual events without meaning. To atheists, the world around them is simply a mish-mash of random occurrences.

Potentialism, a theory crafted by David Birnbaum of NY, frontally disagrees. The universe, according to his philosophical treatise, has an overarching dynamic and purpose: Quest for Infinite Potential.

In April of 2012, a four-day international academic conference at Bard College focused on Infinite Potential, essentially overthrowing Randomness. The ramifications of the pivotal conference continue to this day.  In the 2013-2014 period alone over a dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica.

Looking at questions posed to both Infinite Potential and Randomness adherents, we can see the stark contrast in the answers.

1) Why is there anything at all?

Birnbaum: The cosmos seeks its optimal/maximal potential.

Establishment: Random chance.

2) Is there an eternal dynamic? a so-to-speak ‘key’ to the universe? An underlying supra-dynamic/supra-imperative?

Birnbaum: Yes, Quest for Infinite Potential.

Establishment: No, none.

3) What drives the cosmic order?

Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential.

Establishment: Random chance.

4) What ignited the Big Bang?

Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential.

Establishment: Random accident playing-out across infinite universes.

5) The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the universe ‘just right’ for life?

Birnbaum: Life is a primary goal of Quest for Infinite Potential, both as an intermediate end

in-and-of-itself and as a platform for extraordinariation.

Establishment: Random chance in our universe.

6) Why does ‘judicious design’ seem to permeate our universe?

Birnbaum: Because it is designed and iterated by Infinite Potential.

Establishment: Any seeming ‘design’ is an illusion.

7) Why does there seem to be a ‘hidden reality’ to our universe?

Birnbaum: Because there is one, Quest for Infinite Potential.

Establishment: Fantasy/religious propaganda.

8) Why does nature seem to have a ‘mathematical subtext’?

Birnbaum: Because the equations, marshaled by Infinite Potential,

design nature ongoing.

Establishment: No answer.

9) Is there a ‘script’ to the universe?

Birnbaum: There is a so-to-speak work-in-progress script as Infinite Potential iterates ongoing to

optimize potential (and advance towards extraordinariation).

Establishment: No, none, all is random.

10) If there is a God what is the essence of God?

Birnbaum: Potential; God is the God of Potential.

Establishment: No God or any transcendent force.

11) What was the catalyst for life?

Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential.

Establishment: Random accident.

12) What sustains life?

Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential.

Establishment: No answer.

13) Why is there a virtual kaleidoscope of life?

Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential/Extraordinariation.

Establishment: No answer.

14) What drives Evolution?

Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential (which includes genetic survival).

Establishment: Genetic survival alone and random chance.

15) What drives (non-evolutionary) self-organization and self-patternization (my term), like

snowflakes all being unique?

Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential/extraordinariation.

Establishment: No answer.

16) Why is the universe ‘bio-friendly’?

Birbnbaum: Because bio is a great platform for Potential/extraordinariation. The more precise statement would be that the universe is ‘bio-oriented’.

Establishment: No answer

17) What was the catalyst for consciousness?

Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential/extraordinariation.

Establishment: Random chance.

18) Does Man have a purpose?

Birnbaum: To quest for his/her optimal potential.

Establishment: No / none.

19) Does Mankind have a purpose?

Birnbaum: To quest for its optimal potential.

Establishment: No / none.

20) Is there a purpose to the universe?

Birnbaum: The universe seeks its fullest possible potential.

Establishment: No purpose.

The contrast could not be more clear. Randomness essentially has ‘nothing to say.’ It is so-to-speak ‘holding an empty hand. Potentialism, on the other hand, offers an elegant and unified theory; it presents a quite formidable proposition.  Randomness Theory has no known core text; Potentialism Theory has a major philosophical treatise – vetted for 25+ years on the global stage – backing it up, Summa Metaphysica. The choice between the two contending theories could not be more stark.




New Paradigm 21st Century Cosmology, Metaphysics, Philosophy:
Summa Metaphysica presents the David Birnbaum philosophy of infinitely nested Cosmic Potential.

David Birnbaum Philosophy

Khalil Intro

Khalil Intro







by D. N. Khalil


Jewish philosophy is often resigned to the assumption that fundamental descriptions of God and the universe are beyond the grasp of the human intellect. Questions of Jewish philosophy are generally posed in the context of a mysterious framework that is rarely examined per se. Such a mindset is often more concerned with man’s place, role, and duties in the world, than it is with the contours of the universe and the latter’s relationship to the Eternal:

“[The reason of Jewish philosophy] is the reason that we find in chess...Chess offers the greatest possible scope for calculation...But all this takes place in accordance with a set of rules that determine which moves are permitted and which are not and how the pieces are set up. The rules themselves are the limits of reason in chess. They are not questioned nor need they be justified because the rationality of chess begins after the rules have been set down...This is Jewish intelligence...[it] has a sense of limit, of the vanity involved in hurling questions at the limits...”

– Michael Wyschogrod, The Body of Faith I, 3.
[italics mine]

Of course, there have been noteworthy attempts to defy this generalization. Maimonides is perhaps the most prominent example of a Jewish philosopher who would analyze – if not challenge – Judaism’s fundamental suppositions. In his Guide of the Perplexed, Maimonides describes a Judaism that dovetails seamlessly with an understanding of the universe as established primarily by Aristotle. As Maimonides holds Judaism to the light of Aristotle’s logic, he finds concordance on all topics, with merely one exception: the question of eternalism.

Aristotle is the ‘eternalist,’ believing that the universe is eternal and that God comes into existence at some point in time. Maimonides asserts the converse: that God is eternal and that the universe is actively brought into being. It is striking that Maimonides, who accepts Aristotle’s position on an array of topics, including the essence of both God and man, cannot find agreement with Aristotle on the relationship between God and the cosmos. It is even more astounding that neither Maimonides nor Aristotle claim to prove their respective positions vis-à-vis God’s relation to the cosmos. It is as if both men probe to the depths of metaphysics together in complete accord, only to resign, quite openly, to their respective presuppositions at the end
of the journey.
Both sides appear to be missing tools that are essential to complete this journey. And both sides admit their respective unpreparedness by abandoning the very thought-process that brought them to this point:

“As for the matters concerning which we have no argument or that are too great in our opinion, it is difficult for us to say: why is this so? For instance, when we say: Is the world eternal or not?”
– Aristotle, Topica I, 11

“The eternity of the world or its creation in time becomes an open question, it should in my opinion be accepted without proof... it is not in the power of speculation to accede.”

– Moses Maimonides, Guide of the Perplexed, II, 16

It is at this juncture that David Birnbaum enters the forum. He does so by delineating the relationship between God and eternity in the context of a unified metaphysics that concurrently addresses the relationship of God to the cosmos and the cosmos to eternity.

Such is the philosophy expounded in his first work, God and Evil. It is this simultaneous solution that lays the foundation for the work’s understanding of the existence of gross evil in the world. Birnbaum’s is a solution that has been left almost entirely unchallenged in the eighteen years since its publication in 1988. In the current work, God and Good, Birnbaum has looked further into the implications of this metaphysics and found the individual to be central. Here the individual is revealed as the engine of cosmic evolution. The relationship of man to God, man to the cosmos, and man to eternity thus become the focus of this work.

Birnbaum feels no compulsion to obey the rules that his intellectual predecessors followed. Building on the foundation of ancient Jewish principles, particularly Kabbalistic ones, he is not afraid to draw on Eastern principles of temporal circularity, concepts from biology and physics that have yet to be applied to metaphysical issues, or insights from other scientific and humanistic disciplines that have been left untapped in philosophy.

Asserting that previous attempts to characterize the essence of the cosmos have fallen short for their lack of an adequate conceptual arsenal, as exemplified by Maimonides’ and Aristotle’s impasse, he consolidates these eclectic influences into a defined set of metaphysical ‘tools.’ Birnbaum presents these tools at the outset of God and Good. He then uses them to build a model that is applicable to all the arenas from which its influences were initially derived.

The implications of Birnbaum’s original – markedly straightforward – doctrine therefore, range from the most general to the most specific. The doctrine is unified by the central thesis that unbounded potentiality pulls both the individual and the cosmos towards a Divine ideal. Potential is universal. Potential is the nexus:

“One of the great afflictions of man’s spiritual world is that every discipline of knowledge, every feeling, impedes the emergence of the other...This defect cannot continue permanently. Man’s nobler future is destined to come, when he will develop to a sound spiritual state so that instead of each discipline negating the other, all knowledge, all feeling will be envisioned from any branch of it...No spiritual phenomenon can stand independently. Each is interpenetrated by all.”

– Abraham Isaac Kook, Lights of Holiness, I, p. 22

Interestingly, in spite of its novelty, the paradigm elaborated by Birnbaum is no less firmly anchored in Biblical and Talmudic concepts than the previous Jewish perspectives that were restrained by these same influences. For instance, God’s self-identification as “I will be that which I will be” (Exodus 3:14) is perhaps the single best articulation of God and Good’s description of potentiality’s association with God.

In his first work, Birnbaum meticulously dissects Adam’s Garden of Eden dilemma (Genesis 2:17), understanding it as humankind’s choice between potential/infinite growth and bliss/limited growth. Birnbaum then goes on, throughout God and Evil and now God and Good, to reveal the theme of potential in traditional Jewish narratives and even Judaism’s specific commandments.
At the outset of God and Evil Birnbaum boldly asserts that he aims to provide an integrated and novel solution to the problem of (1) the origins of the cosmos, (2) the nature, as it were, of God, and (3) the presence of gross evil in a world governed by an omnipotent God. At this point, the expectation, at least for this reader, is for a complex, convoluted theory too abstract to be considered objectively. The result, however, a “potentiality model,” is just the opposite: profoundly discrete, yet overarching enough to satisfy the three initial aims.

With the presentation of the second book, this model now has four distinct dimensions. First, in God and Evil, it is thoroughly rooted in Biblical and academic theology. Second, in part one of God and Good, the metaphysical implications of the model are described. Third, in part two of God and Good, the model is presented in the form of 120 mythical Angels, adding texture to the metaphysics and drawing it into the realm of daily human reality. And finally, in the third section of God and Good, the ‘potentiality model’ is translated into a practical template for self-actualization.

It is difficult to recall a metaphysics as unified, yet as widely applicable, as the one presented here. The model’s foundation is concrete, while its implications are personal and thus varied. Each reader, therefore, will glean that which augments his or her own spiritual sensibility. As an Orthodox Jew, I find much in Birnbaum’s two works that bolsters my understanding of traditional Judaism.

No less sui generis than the scope of Birnbaum’s work, is its relentless appeal to profound innate human understandings that cannot be adequately explicated in standard prose. Birnbaum employs a linguistic ensemble that at times resembles the water-tight, nitty-gritty reasoning of God and Evil, while at other times feels like terse jolts to the psyche. The author has turned away from the prevalent style of philosophy that so fervently analyzes metaphysical mysteries only to expose its own limitations. In breaking from convention, Birnbaum has taken a risk. He has gambled acceptance by refusing to succumb to a more traditional framework that would inevitably fail to fully represent the depth of ideas presented here.

The test lies in the heart of the reader. For all of its details and implications, the core of this work is unabashedly simple: potential drives existence. Does this concept seem foreign? or does it feel natural? If Birnbaum is successful, the reader will detect that the idea has an inherent organic power. This power can be explained in certain general contexts using standard language, but in others – particularly in the context of the individual – traditional explanations do not suffice.

Birnbaum posits that the force driving the cosmos pulsates within the soul of each individual, and so only a visceral response from the reader can fully reflect its impact. Is this achieved? Do the grand, general, cosmic principles yield to an understanding of the self? Does this awareness, in and of itself, have meaningful and practical implications for daily life? If it does, then Birnbaum has achieved something utterly unique. He has raised a preciously simple metaphysical centerpiece and enshrined it through its intrinsic affinity for the mind and the heart of the reader.

“I will cause a new utterance to be heard in the land:
Peace peace to the far and near, said the Lord.”
Isaiah 57:19

D. N. Khalil
Cold Spring Harbor
New York

Dr. D. N. Khalil is a scientist with the National Institute of Health.
He teaches Jewish Philosophy at Long Island University.





See also David Birnbaum philosophy Cosmic Womb of Potential.


David Birnbaum Philosophy

December 10, 2014



The Last Greek Philosopher

David Birnbaum, author of Summa Metaphysica

Progenitor of classic-modern hybrid ‘Potentialism Theory’

He defines the ‘cutting-edge 21st Century cosmologist; his original cosmological concepts have almost single-handedly overthrown 100+ year-old (British-centric) Randomness/Atheism theory; he melds Quantum Field Theory with General Relativity Theory; he is the progenitor of conceptual breakthrough and paradigm-changing Potentialism Theory.

But is Manhattanite David Birnbaum not, more accurately, indeed, ‘the Last Greek philosopher’?

Birnbaum may have been born in the 20th century and may have authored one of, if not the only, defining cosmological theories of the 21st century – but does conceptual theorist David Birnbaum arguably not have more in common with Aristotle than any of his 21st Century contemporaries? Dusting off such theories of antiquity as teleology and then arming them with original conceptualization, modern science and mathematics – Birnbaum has re-defined the field; like a Persian scholar in the Middle Ages, Birnbaum has become not only a protector of the wisdom of a past era, but also the consummate practitioner of inductive reasoning (see – originally made famous by Aristotle et al.

Indeed, Birnbaum maintains that if the Greeks could be beamed-up (a la’ Star Trek) to the 21st Century to read his works, they would sign on to his theory – and help him do battle with the rrear-guard gambits of the reactionary British Randomness/Atheists. Birnbaum views the classic Greek philosophers as his natural intellectual allies; loyal to conceptual elegance and empirical observation, and not inhibited by the limitations of laboratory experiment.

In his three-part metaphysics/cosmology/philosophy treatise – Summa Metaphysica – David Birnbaum has set course to for a revolutionary re-writing of the rules of metaphysics, cosmology and philosophy, he has dug deep into classical philosophy to separate myth from insight; superstition from science; and the past from the future.

Potentialism Theory, at its core, revolves around just a few simple, albeit radically new, concepts and equations: (See also

Q4P∞ – This is the infinite Quest for Potential∞ – the (overarching natural force) prime mover of the universe. It is an inherent drive in everything that exists to seek out new levels of Complexity.

C+ On the intermediate level, infinite potential inherently strives towards greater and greater levels of what Birnbaum coins as Complexification (shorthand: C+) the drive for ever-greater


In turn, this C+ drives the universe towards what Birnbaum coins as Extraordinariation (shorthand: E+). Extraordinariation is a goal/horizon of sublime and utter super-Complexification – both in form and quality (see

The three key components noted just-above, in turn combine into the SuperLaw of Potentialism:

The SuperLaw of Potentialism Theory

Q4P > C+ > E+


Quest for Potential > Complexification > Extraordinariation

Potentialism Theory: Historical Context

While Potentialism Theory is the first of its kind to enter the realms of physics and mathematics, some of its core ideas reverberate in classical philosophy. From the works of Pythagoras to those Plato and Aristotle, some of the underlying concepts of Potentialism are refined, but not thoroughly new. Let us explore some the classic philosophical works of antiquity that are represented in Potentialism.

Pythagoras and the primacy of mathematics

To Pythagoras, the universe was governed by mathematics. He observed not only the orderly motion of heavenly bodies but its echoes in music. One of the first to recognize the earth as round, Pythagoras proved insightful beyond his time. His work in music was a study of numerics in music, noting harmonics were based on the mathematics of such properties as string lengths.

While Pythagoras' understanding of the cosmos was primitive and, ultimately, incorrect in a lot of instances, he did understand that the universe was governed by mathematical principle. It cannot be overstated how groundbreaking this was at the time.

David Birnbaum himself has revisited this assumption, but with the tools of modern mathematics, science and metaphysics at his disposal. Indeed, he has gone far to prove the universal math of the cosmos in his theory of Potentialism. Birnbaum shows that the universe is governed, in its entirety, on the mathematical principle of Infinite Potential. Far beyond simple macro or micro physics, Birnbaum has given the 21st century the key to understanding the interrelationship between matter, energy, thought and even emotion – all governed by one overriding principle, Potential.

Plato and the Demiurge

Plato, by comparison, is the father of the concept of the “demiurge.” Unlike the superstitions of other Greeks, Plato envisioned the creator of the universe, not as a human styled ruler of the cosmos, but as a “craftsman.” To Plato, the creator was a worker and an artist who sculpted the universe in the form of a predetermined pathway. The demiurge did not invent – it instead imposed form on the formless along a pre-determined pathway.

Plato's universe described several key concepts. Let us see how they align with Birnbaum and Potentialism:

The Demiurge – Plato's universal craftsman. This is most closely aligned with Birnbaum's Q4P (infinite Quest for Potential). It is the eternal spark that drives creation and Complexity.

The Form – This, to Plato, is the perfect form things in the universe strive to be. This concept is very similar to Extraordinariation – it is a hyper state of perfection – something which can be strived for but never perfectly attained.

Imitation of the model (Form) – Plato describes this as what exists in the universe, the tangible forms that seek to emulate the perfect form. Birnbaum describes this as current reality as it moves towards greater levels of perfection/Complexity.

The Receptacle – Plato describes the Receptacle as the place where everything in reality becomes. Birnbaum describes a similar concept of the Cosmic Womb. While Plato's receptacle only properly identified where matter, Birnbaum's Cosmic Womb describes the “space” in which everything becomes – matter, energy, thought and expression.

In many ways, Birnbaum picked up where Plato left off. Using some of the core concepts, devoid of Plato's mistakes, Birnbaum shows that, nevertheless, many of Plato's base concepts have modern day applications in cosmology to this date. Birnbaum is able to take what basic concepts Plato conceived and filter them for quality and validity through the lens of modern day science.

Aristotle and teleology

Another predecessor to a piece of Potentialism Theory is accredited to Aristotle – teleology.

“A teleology is any philosophical account that holds that final causes exist in nature, meaning that — analogous to purposes found in human actions — nature inherently tends toward definite ends.”

Aristotle rejected the idea that everything in the world happens without purpose. Specifically, when viewing nature, Aristotle found it absurd that everything happens without a final cause in mind. To Aristotle, the natural world was capable of acting with extrinsic finality. That is to say, it could behave with an external end goal in mind – like when a person does something for a loved one with no gain of their own.

While this was highly contested during Aristotle's time, Birnbaum has picked up the banner for teleology. This might seem a daring maneuver, but as it turns out teleology has faced off well with critics in modern times. Central to Potentialism, Q4P is a pervasive teleological force. It defines how and why the universe progresses towards Complexity.




#More in-depth on David Birnbaum's philosophy paradigm? See 100+ articles covering Summa Metaphysica's fully-integrated philosophy, cosmology, metaphysics:

David Birnbaum Metaphysics

LeraBlog: Checkmate

David Birnbaum Metaphysics

June 20, 2014

LeraBlog: Checkmate


Checkmate: How Private Scholar David Birnbaum Cracked the Cosmic Code


Unifying Theory, the Grand Answer to Everything, Cosmology, the Cosmic Code - there are many names for the greatest riddle mankind has ever sought to solve. Philosophers and scientists have studied the nature of the universe for millennia, trying to solve the greatest mystery of all - Where did we come from? Why? Where are we going?

Philosophy has done so with the tools of abstract logic and with a palate on which every possibility exists. This has given philosophers a distinct advantage because they can craft potential universes with no proof of their actual existence. Free from the scientific rigidity of proof, they’ve been free to explore what could possibly be. Necessarily though, their results are what might be or could be. The same detachment from scientific proof that makes philosophy so powerful has also undermined its credibility.

Likewise, scientists bring to bear the formidable powers of modern mathematics and physics and our ability to measure the cosmos and quantify what is around us with a high degree of certainty. It would seem science could provide us with the answers we seek. But they are likewise limited. They can only tell us what is within mankind’s ability to prove at present. While formidable, it simply isn’t all or even remotely close enough to provide us with the answer to the cosmic code.

If your only tool is a hammer…

If your only tool is a hammer, than every problem looks like a nail. This has been the classic problem with science to date. The arsenal of tools available to science has not been up to the job of solving the great cosmological questions. Unlike philosophers though, science has been pressured to provide an answer with its insufficient understanding of the universe.

In their defense, scientists have done the best they could. And the best they could do was Randomness. Objectively however, Randomness isn’t so much a cosmic answer as an admission of defeat. It’s like observing a chess match and being unable to grasp how the game works. Forced to report what was witnessed, academia simply states that pieces are of random sizes and their movements are haphazard and random.

A rose by any other name….

Randomness may sound like a theory, but really it’s just a word. It’s a scientific way to state "I don’t understand; therefore the game (the cosmic order) must not be understandable." Most generously, Randomness is intellectual laziness; less generously, Randomness is intellectual malfeasance. By mid-last century, the ruling atheist academics of higher learning declared victory and deemed as quackery anything disagreeing with them. To protect their so-precious ‘good names', they essentially outlawed further research or discussion on alternate cosmological theories

Thought matters

Sometimes it is the simplest of insights which provide the most profound, far reaching leaps in human achievement and understanding. It’s interesting to note that quantum theory itself was an accident. It was just a derivative piece of information uncovered while Einstein was working on general relativity; this derivative gave birth to the entire science of quantum physics.

That small piece of insight in cosmology came in the form of "what is thought". It is accepted practice for science to only deal in matter and energy. It seems obvious that this is all the universe is made of - void, matter and energy. But a philosopher would be quick to laugh at this notion.

A bowling ball is not to blame for knocking down bowling pins. Neither is the bowler’s throw. The "thing" that starts this chain of events is a desire - a person’s thought, their decision to activate their muscles and throw the ball. Their desire to do so is likewise not identifiable as based in matter or energy - it is human desire. In this case, the desire to play a game that has absolutely no meaning outside of human thought and desire.

Obviously to the philosopher, discounting thought or desire as a valid part of the universe, which can most certainly alter it, is ridiculous. That spark of insight became important when private scholar David Birnbaum realized: If thought, desire and the gamut of abstract human consciousness was a valid part of cosmic order, then it would be impossible to answer any questions of the universe using the physical sciences alone. It’s not that the tools of science were imprecise. It is that the tool set was incomplete. The incomplete tool set left no way to account for a large, less tangible part of the cosmic makeup.

Rise of Potentialism

Now Birnbaum realized, like the bowling analogy, he’d not be able to directly measure a thought scientifically. But, continuing the analogy, if he found some intangible drive, it could be proven by inference. To put it more simply, there must be some irreducible, universal and ‘simple' drive to the universe that would make the seeming chaos look orderly and intentional. That dynamic - Birnbaum's landmark conceptual breakthrough - is the Quest for Infinite Potential. Simple, yet powerful; Mundane, yet divine; All-pervasive, yet invisible; Invisible, yet elegant; Grasp-able, yet infinite.

Potentialism is the acknowledgment that there is a purpose/direction, a universal one, to the cosmos. That purpose/direction is to seek higher and higher levels of the complex/extraordinary. And make sense of the chaos it most certainly does. From the Big Bang forward, the universe has repeatedly increased in the complexity/extraordinary department, with an undeniable intentionality. From the simplest particles, to hydrogen, the periodic table, the birth of molecules, to life and finally mankind and abstract thought - there has been an undeniable increase in the complex/extraordinary as the universe matures.

Has David Birnbaum cracked the cosmic code? Does his 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica provide an elegant simultaneous solution to the hitherto key issues of metaphysics? To the hubris-laden atheist orthodoxy who have zealously defended the ways of the past, ‘no way'. They’ll likely go to their graves cursing the heretical Birnbaum for sullying science by allowing the existence of something more than what can be seen, felt or tasted. Indeed, Birnbaum may very well be operating beyond their ken. To the true seekers of truth though, Birnbaum has shed revolutionary light on something that is so keenly obvious on hindsight, that it is undeniably true: A universe of overarching Infinite Potential. The universe is all-embracing - of past, present and future; indeed, it is home to every star, ever person and every thought that ever had Potential - and ever will. And the universe will continue to move forward purposefully to realize the Potential of what it might be.





##For more focus in multiple languages on David Birnbaum's philosophy, cosmology and metaphysics, see

David Birnbaum Philosophy