
David Birnbaum Metaphysics

April 18, 2014



David Birnbaum’s Integrated Metaphysics & Cosmology:

The Cosmic Womb of Potential


By Justice Pretorius


Potentialism is a field conceptualized by private scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan and introduced by him in 1988. Simply put, according to the theory Potential itself drives the cosmic order. At first blush this concept is hard to grasp. However, Birnbaum makes-the-case from multiple perspectives across his 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica - Volume I: Religious Man (1988), Volume II: Spiritual Man (2005), and Volume III: Secular Man (2014). The Theory of Potential is widely considered a compelling cosmic theory.

Metaphysics is a small, albeit crucial, corner of philosophy which deals with the building blocks of the universe. It was the field of the Ancient Greeks. Yeshiva-eduvated and Harvard-educated Birnbaum jests that he is ‘the last Greek philosopher.’ He also might be the best.

Birnbaum’s Potentialism proposes that there, indeed, is a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ Ongoing the universe iterates and quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the beginning of time eternal Quest for Potential harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential in league with Physics-Math – then acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, sexuality, language, emotion, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.”

The incumbent (antiquated?) academic/philosophical paradigm is Randomness/atheistic. According to this schema all is random chance – the igniting of the universe, the emergence of billions of galaxies, the emergence of life, evolution, language, emotion and consciousness. They all ‘just happened.’ According to this schema there is no design or direction or purpose whatsoever to the cosmic order. The schema is sort-of the Theory of No Theory.

Birnbaum’s hypothesis frontally challenges the academic status quo and totally rejects randomness as the core determinant of the cosmic order. Per Birnbaum, randomness in the universe is ancillary to the core thrust of Potential. Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential introduces many new ‘tools’ and concepts in his exposition of the cosmic order.   One of his tools is his conjecture that the cosmic order mimics the human body. In due course Birnbaum’s treatise arrives at the concept of the Cosmic Womb of Potential. The concept is pivotal to the theory.


One of Birnbaum’s favorite ‘tools’ is infinite ‘nesting’. Remember those lacquered Chinese wooden dolls wherein there is a doll within a doll within a doll. That is an example of ‘nesting’. If Birnbaum nested these dolls infinitely that concept would be noted symbolically as doll (doll (doll. Birnbaum takes a more powerful dynamic to nest, his signature Quest for Potential ( Potential ( Potential. Remember, that potential to begin with is a somewhat nested term. Your ‘potential’ is the sum of all your potential tracking-forward to the end-of-time. Thus infinitely nesting Quest for Potential ( Potential ( Potential is a quite turbo-charged concept.

At that point, Birnbaum ratchets-up the theme yet further. As the womb is almost synonymous with life-affirming Potential, Birnbaum represents the cosmic order as infinitely-nested wombs of potential. The imagery is compelling. Birnbaum conceptualizes the cosmic order a Womb of Potential within a Womb of Potential ad infintum.  It is this infinite ‘nesting’ which gives Potential its awesome power.  Terms similar to ‘nesting’ are ‘recursive’ and ‘iterative’.


Infinitely recursive

While science still plumbs the depths of quantum mechanics and beyond, there has been a clear trend that the harder science looks, the smaller the particles it discerns. Water was originally called a pure element. It would be millennia before humankind discovered that it was, in fact, created from hydrogen and water. But even those elements were found to be reduce-able to neutron, proton and electron. Currently, we see even those one-time irreducibles are being deconstructed and new words enter the lexicon – gluons, hadrons and mesons. Reasonably speaking, there is no rational reason for expecting this trend to discontinue at any point.

Likewise, as far as we can comprehend, we see the womb model extend forward iteratively to the known edges of the universe – from atmosphere around a planet, to the cluster of activity around a star, to the great turning galaxies which radiate out to the edges of space. So we see recursion, as expected, at all levels of cosmology, satisfying the law of infinite recursion.


Fertile ground for the Quest for Infinite Potential

Most importantly though, the Cosmic Womb can be seen at all levels to satisfy its primary function as the “birthing ground” for Potential itself. It's place is rather obvious at the human level of existence and is self-explanatory.

On the microscopic scale, we see it in the various “fields of activity”. The womb is the area an atom can claim as its own, the place wherein the nucleus and the electrons interact - its purpose is to give birth and meaning to the atom itself. On a slightly larger scale, we can see it in the various bonds between atoms as their particles interact in such defined bonds as covalent and ionic. This interaction gives birth to Potential in the form of molecules.

Likewise, we see this field, or womb, scale up and far beyond the human level – at a more macro level. It is the rich space surrounding a new star that gives birth to planets. And it can be seen in the field between stars – so rich in matter, dark matter and energy – that make up the seeming darkness of the void of a galaxy.


An overarching birthing ground

The Cosmic Womb can be seen all around. It is omnipresent, infinitely iterative and fertile ground for creation, or as Potentialists would call it, a place to realize the Quest for Infinite Potential. It is properly called overarching because, to the Potentialist, Q4P is truly universal.

Potentialism embraces a teleological (purpose-driven) conceptualization of the universe, citing the exhaustive empirical evidence of purposeful design from the micro to macro in scale. In Potentialism the end-goal is E+ which is Birnbaum’s shorthand for his coined term – extraordinariation. Per Birnbaum, the cosmos eternally seeks the next level of the extraordinary. This is an eternal quest never fully-quenched. Hence the + in E+.

In turn ‘the extraordinary’ is offered-up by the infinitely nested Cosmic Womb of Potential conceptualizing the next level of extraordinary. All three components are working in-tandem:

Q4P (Quest for Potential infinitely iterated) is questing.
CWP   (Cosmic Womb of Potential infinitely iterated) is offering-up possibilities and realities.
E+ (Extraordinariation) remains the goal.

As noted, the Cosmic Womb of Potential is operating on myriad levels - from the grand cosmic level to the sub-atomic level. Up-close we see the Cosmic Womb of Potential in (a) the drive of the earth's ecosystem as it self-regulates, in (b) the directional fashion in which evolution occurs and in (c) in the multi-generational progeny of an individual family. The Cosmic Womb is the infinitely nested ground in which the universe finds its path towards greater and greater Potential towards its final Extraordinariation. Cosmic Womb + Q4P → E+.

Over two dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential in the 2013-2014 period alone. After a quarter century on the world scene since volume I of his treatise was published by Ktav in 1988, the theory remains unchallenged. The philosophical work has been a Course Text at over a dozen colleges globally, as well as the prime focus of a 4-day international academic conference at Bard College April 2012.



Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum's philosophy treatise:


"Birnbaum's God and Evil is an extremely significant volume which grapples forthrightly and originally with the problem… well-organized… clearly written… persuasive… Birnbaum comes as close as possible to solving the awesome dilemma of evil in a world created by a just God."


David Birnbaum Philosophy

Epoch Times- Potentialism

March 17, 2014

Epoch Times-


David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica:

The Age of Potentialism

By Veronica Davis

Potentialism Theory, crafted and disseminated on the world stage by private scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan, has been steadily gaining traction over the last 25 years as a unified and elegant theory of cosmology and creation. Birnbaum views the entire cosmic order as driven, energized and focused by one overarching dynamic – Infinite Potential. He deploys this one single multi-faced concept as the proposed simultaneous solution to the key metaphysics issues which have vexed mankind for seven millennia. No flaw or weakness has ever been discerned in this elegant, powerful, and indeed uplifting theory.

Potentialism proposes that there is a progenitor of the cosmic order, but that this progenitor is not a ‘classic entity’, but something more ephemeral – a ‘quest’. According to the theory, the universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential strives with purpose towards ever-greater and fuller potential. Summa Metaphysica presents a powerful argument for cosmic ‘design and purpose.’ Birnbaum’s Potentialism describes a vibrant universe of purpose, creation, life-affirmation, ever-advancing complexity, and potential-actualization. The theory describes a universe that can be seen to be advancing and actualizing: galaxies evolving, supernovas exploding, life emerging, species evolving, the emergence of ever-fuller emotion and consciousness…

The (competing) entrenched Randomness theory, on the other hand, posits a cold and aimless barren universe of no design, no purpose, no direction, no order. In the Randmoness schema, ‘chance’ and ‘decay’ reign supreme.

Cosmology theory as the basis of creation and the universe as a whole, has far reaching philosophical and scientific implications. Let us look at what impact the Age of Potentialism will have on such far flung fields as sociology, philosophy, religion and science. As Potentialism is a Unifying Theory, it necessarily has dynamic and far reaching implications for all of these areas.


Potentialism will force science to re-examine all its assumptions and see how the theory possibly fills-in key gaps of scientific theory.   Summa clearly lays out resolutions for cosmic origins, universe-origins and universe-direction. Alyokhin of University of Maine has already laid-out how Potentialism is the underlying structure of ecology and a possible unifying concept of the cosmic order.

It is well within the realm of matters that Potentialism emerges as a double-layered Theory of Everything. In the realm of physics it possibly emerges as the hitherto ‘missing bridge’ between macro physics (General Relativity) and micro physics (Quantum Mechanics).As well, Potentialism apparently emerges as a grand Theory of Everything unifying all Science with Spirituality and Philosophy.


For decades Randomness theory has reigned and has de facto been a closing of intellectual human potential. Randomness has drawn a line in the sand and declared what we know from the laboratory is all that is. With this terribly imperfect understanding of the cosmos, Randomness has sought to define the universe and impose this belief upon academe globally. With an arrogance born of ignorance, Randomness supporters have attacked any further scientific inquiry in cosmology.

At one time, theories stood on the merit of their strength against argument. Theories welcomed intellectual discourse, as their defense was proof of the veracity. However, the atheist academics supporting Randomness have sought to silence critics and preemptively delegitimize and suppress alternate theories.

By contrast, Potentialism has invited critique and embraced vetting by the academic community. Far from blocking scientific progress, Potentialism encourages it. As the veil between science, philosophy and religion are the limits of human understanding, Potentialism encourages discovery. In that aspect, as well as the vibrancy of its tantalizing metaphysics, Potentialism is a catalyst for an intellectual Renaissance II.

Society…Two views

Atheistic Randomness describes a world of mindless, pointless chance and decay. In such a world, humankind itself competes evolutionarily for dominance – each person and each tribe on its own. Each individual is in a struggle to win some evolutionary crap shoot. In a Randomness controlled universe, there is only modest imperative for societal fraternity or commonality of goals. Belief must temporarily be suspended for submerging one’s individual goals for the greater good, that is, for animals, the unity of packs; for humankind, the unity of societies and nations. Randomness cannot explain this natural coalescing of groups. Indeed, given their model of individual survival, any such group cohesion would benefit few and be to the detriment of many.

Not so, according to Potentialism. In a Potentialism-driven universe, the universe as a whole moves in a teleological (purposeful) manner. That is, while individuals continually evolve, humankind is driven by a common, all-encompassing drive to evolve as well. In other words, while people are clearly individuals, humanity can be viewed as one evolving organism as well.

Further, the universe itself moves and evolves as an entity as well. Thus it evolves on a macro level (the universe-level) as well as on micro levels (for instance, the human-level). This multi-layered evolving drive towards the extraordinary is the Quest for Potential. Thus the dynamic is simultaneously (a) the eternal origin of the universe (b) the continuing drive of the universe for it to evolve, and (c) the goal of the universe. In physics shorthand, it is simultaneously the alpha (origin) and the omega (destiny).

Unlike Randomness, which can only explain individual creature's evolution, Potentialism explains that of society as-a-whole. In a Potentialism driven universe, the evolution of society is not only expected, but explained. Again we see that where Randomness flounders for excuses, Potentialism clearly shows the universe – and the components thereof – not only as they are, but also their trajectory.

Religious and Spiritual Thought

Randomness is necessarily the enemy of religion and all that is spiritual. Its historical animosity towards religion is based on the fact that Randomness and religion cannot mutually exist. So, to support Randomness, it is necessary that its adherents blindly and completely delegitimize the religious and the spiritual, if not the aesthetic as well. There is no middle ground here. Randomness has painted itself into a philosophical corner where they cannot survive the existence of the religious. This goes far to explain the unreasoning and venomous attacks Randomness supporters have waged against both Intelligent Design and any teleological cosmology theories, and indeed against any theory advancing cosmic design or cosmic direction.

Potentialism has an entirely different view of the religious and spiritual. A key to this is Potentialism's understanding of the nature of the spiritual. While purely religious factions and Randomness itself view the spiritual as an unknowable, sometimes anti-science, force – Potentialism views the religious and metaphysical as just another extension of the overarching cosmic dynamic of Infinite Potential. As Infinite Potential is the catalyst for – and sustainer of – Life, it is by definition ‘divine.’ Case closed. While Potentialism not only lays-out in its 3-volume treatise three basic options- religious, spiritual and secular – it uniquely anchors the metaphysical validity of all three.

Renaissance II

In seeking that truth, Potentialism offers a renaissance of thought and progress. Rather than be attacked, it should be embraced and discussed. Not only does it offer a better understanding of the cosmic order, it offers a more positive one. Not that its positivity should be any reflection of its merit as a theory. Potentialism stands on its own merits regarding its merit, regardless. But positivity cannot be disregarded. Is it so intimidating to atheist academia that the universe might have purpose? That existence may mean something more than blind, indifferent chance? That ‘decay’ is not the central theme of the cosmos?

Have Randomness/atheism supporters turned their backs on fundamental philosophical truths and well grounded theory solely to protect established careers? Perhaps having argued a theory for their entire career, have they decided they are too invested to turn their sinking ship back to port?
The Church was supremely confident in its ability to nefariously control all disseminated knowledge when it silenced Galileo. Looking back over hundreds of years now, the Church’s callousness and abuse is rather glaring. Is this the legacy the British Randomness-atheist academics wish to leave behind for themselves, ‘the suppression of new ideas’ and ‘a modus operandi of character assassination of intellectual challengers’? Or will they make the hard decision now, in their lifetimes, to accept the preponderance of evidence before them: This is the Age of Potentialism.



Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum's philosophy treatise:


"Author and scholar David Birnbaum wrestles with the age-old problem of the existence of evil…a compelling, stimulating and creative contribution…"


Examiner Purpose

David Birnbaum Metaphysics


November 4, 2013

focus: Potentialism Theory by David Birnbaum

Examiner Purpose


Is there a Purpose to Life and the Cosmic Order?

David Birnbaum’s Audacious Summa Metaphysica Theory

November 4, 2013

David Birnbaum’s audacious Summa Metaphysica theory

Plato (427-347 BCE) and his student Aristotle (384-322 BCE) believed that there was an ultimate purpose to the universe. But that was a long time ago when the discipline of metaphysics was in vogue, and elite thought leaders attempted to uncover the fundamental building blocks of the cosmic order. Plato and Aristotle believed that there was, indeed, a purpose - and direction - to the universe, but admitted that they were unable to discern precisely what it was. Over the next two and a half thousand years the consensus shifted back-and-forth as to whether or not Purpose/Direction existed [see AAA below].

Then, along came the European Renaissance (c. 14th – 17th century) and everyone assumed that science would solve the key problems relating to the cosmos – which had remained unsolved and unresolved over the millennia. However, five centuries after the beginning of the European Renaissance, the best that 'science' has come up with is that the universe is aimless and has no purpose. Randomness. According to the current entrenched orthodoxy which connects establishment philosophy with establishment science, Randomness reigns supreme. All is random. The Big Bang was random; the emergence of life was random; Consciousness is random. Your sophisticated complexity...is Random. (With a little ‘survival of the species’ thrown in).

Enter David Birnbaum. Birnbaum will challenge.

Born in 1950, his mother an artist and his father a businessman; Birnbaum grew up in Forest Hills, Queens, NY in the 1950s. He went to Modern Orthodox Jewish Day School. [It turned out that Simon and Garfunkel grew up contemporaneously in the same ‘hood and went to public school there]. An aficionado of the iconic Frank Lloyd Wright (d. 1959), Birnbaum leaned towards eventually becoming an architect professionally, but had two interesting side interests as a youngster – ‘Eternal Origins’ and Astronomy. With the help of teachers, he tracked both fields.

In class, Birnbaum swam in the waters of Modern Orthodox Judaism, and was deeply versed in its scholarship. He would emerge as valedictorian of his elementary school class. But Birnbaum was clear from the get-go as regards Maimonidean-based Jewish philosophy. “I’m far from convinced.”

Youngster Birnbaum was actually tracking three fields – ‘Eternal Origins’, Astronomy and Religious Philosophy. He was acutely aware that many parallel issues vexed all three disciplines. He was aware that all three filled-in lots of theory and scholarship in the middle of their propositions, but that all three seemed to fall particularly short at the two ends of their propositions: ‘Origins’ at the ‘beginning’ and ‘Purpose/Direction’ at the end. ‘Eternal Origins’, Astronomy and Religious Philosophy: Three seemingly very different fields – but all with the parallel issues. How did it all start? Where is it headed?

At the future-end, the formal name for the issue is Teleology – Is there a purpose/goal/direction to the cosmos? And if so, what is it? [see BBB below]

As of November 2013, 2,360 years after the death of Plato, the scientific/philosophical community still has no working hypothesis as regards any of these key issues. But Birnbaum proposes a “simultaneous” solution. [see CCC below] Indeed, that is why he crafted his philosophy work. Andrei Alyokhin for one, Associate Professor of Biology and Ecology at The University of Maine, believes that Birnbaum’s theory should be employed as the global academic working hypothesis.

From childhood, Birnbaum tracked all three fields carefully – through elementary school (Yeshiva of Forest Hills), high school (Yeshiva University High School – Manhattan), college (CCNY: City College of NY School of Engineering (with a major in Computer Science) and then through academic life in Cambridge, Mass. In graduate school (Harvard Business School). Birnbaum got his masters in finance, but lived near Harvard Hillel, a mecca for Boston’s academic elite of all faiths to present their ideas of matters both cosmic and mundane. A Sabbath Observer, Birnbaum was not into Friday night Boston partying or Saturday morning Harvard lacrosse; He had both the time and focus to attend the vibrant nearby Harvard Hillel Friday night and Saturday/Shabbat symposiums and forums. He listened carefully.

The questions, however, remained unanswered. When he graduating Harvard, and exited Boston in June 1974, back to Manhattan, Birnbaum was clear that all three fields were essentially stuck. And going nowhere. He was fascinated that even the so-to-speak “best and the brightest” did not have the answers. He put ‘cracking the cosmic’ on his informal 5-20 year to-do list.

Birnbaum went into the international rare gem business, but on-the-side continued his intellectual odyssey. He had tracked the three fields since age 10. He had examined the various academic and theological perspectives from multiple angles. Could he unravel the knots which damped-down the vibrancy of each of the three fields? Could possibly one subtle theme unravel all the knots simultaneously? He was now convinced that such was the case: A subtle theme ‘hiding-in-plain-site. His hunt for the Holy Grail of the cosmos was now an official “David Birnbaum project” he often came back to.

Birnbaum had one confidante in his to-be 50 year quest – his high school buddy – and a Physics and Biology teacher – Steven Gross. Steven, a graduate of Columbia University School of Engineering – was the “sounding board,” the “reality-check.” Gross (living in Jerusalem for the last 25 years) would stick by Birnbaum (in NY) for five decades through this day. Steven Gross is a polymath – a person with very significant expertise across a dozen scientific disciplines. Birnbaum considers himself to be a “Conceptual Theorist”. The two would prove-to-be a perfect complementary fit. Birnbaum would propose or write a chapter; Gross would hold-it-to-the-fire. Birnbaum describes the ascetic Gross as a “19th century Jesuit cleric disguised as a 20th century Orthodox Jewish scientist.”

In 1982, roughly 22 years after commencing his informal investigation odyssey into the three inter-related fields (Metaphysics, Astrophysics & Religion), Birnbaum felt that he had at last isolated onto the key core dynamic. And, indeed it was subtle. It seemed to elegantly resolve the key issues of the three fields via one subtle theme – Potential. Per Birnbaum, the purpose of man, humankind, and the cosmos is to quest after their respective potentials.

Moreover, the same theme of Potential would unravel, as well, a cluster of other knotty issues plaguing all three fields. It would prove-to-be what is now considered by many to be “the simultaneous solution”. One concept unlocks all three treasure chests. After Birnbaum sold his idea to the hyper-demanding Gross, Birnbaum knew he was ‘on his way.’

Now, Monotheistic Religion had at least one extra major philosophical problem; the “problem of evil”. This problem is classically called Theodicy: If there is an all-powerful and all-merciful God, why is there gross evil? The Theodicy issue hovers over the now globally far-flung Birnbaum clan. David Birnbaum’s namesake, his paternal grandfather - the estimable and renowned Rabbi David Birnbaum - was executed (in his 80s) by the invading Nazis upon entering his hometown in Czechoslovakia in 1944.

About 22 years after commencing his intellectual quest at age 10 in 1960, David Birnbaum vectored in to his signature theme’ and discerned a line-of-attack. One subtle theme – Quest for Infinite Potential – would seem to simultaneously ’solve’ all the key and interrelated classic issues. He triple-checked for six months that the theme was original. It, indeed, withstood the originality-vetting. Mid-1982. David Birnbaum commenced writing what was ultimately to be a philosophical game-changer.

Six years later In May 1988 KTAV Publishing, a respected publisher of primarily Jewish-related scholarly books, gambled and published Birnbaum’s work God and Evil: A unified Theodicy/Theology/Philosophy [ see www.GodAndEvil.com 164 pages of text, plus 59 pages of footnotes – all 664 of them]. This work would later be designated as Volume I of Birnbaum’s 2-volume Summa Metaphysica series; the work proposes as its signature theme that ‘Potential’ drives the cosmic order. The theory was original, and over the next decade the work received a plethora of fine reviews globally. Eventually, over a dozen colleges globally would assign the work as a Course Text. To date, no flaw has been found in the elegant theory. The work has been through multiple printings, with over 50,000 sets now in circulation globally. Rabbi Benjamin Blech, Professor of Talmud and Jewish Thought at Yeshiva University, describes the God and Evil work as “a philosophical masterpiece for all time…. Birnbaum’s ‘God of Potential’ impacted clergy and academics globally… It remains a truly iconic work.”

According to the hypothesis, Potential/Possibility is eternal. Indeed, it is the only dynamic, according to the author which can be stated with certainty to be eternal, by definition. Indeed, after examination, it is, according to the author, self-evident as being eternal.

Birnbaum took a slight break after God and Evil – a 12 year break – to see if he could find-a-way to so-to-speak better get-his-arms-around his own core theme of infinite Potential. The theme was big – and Birnbaum understood that tackling-it on a grander scale would not be easy. He re-commenced writing in 2000. Five years later in 2005 he posted God and Good (Summa Metaphysica II) online (www.Summa-2.com ) – with the 2-book series now readily available en toto in flip-book at no charge to his key market – students – globally. By 2005 Birnbaum was simultaneously building a multi-media publishing platform, which now goes by the name New Paradigm Matrix. This entity formally published Summa II God and Good in 2008. KTAV was, in principle, willing to publish it, but Birnbaum wanted to be able to offer it gratis online from the get-go – aside from the Amazon for-pay option. He also wanted better control of the publishing process – as the work might need add-ons as his thinking evolved.

In March 2012, Bard College, upstate NY, hosted an international academic conference with a prime focus on Summa Metaphysica (see www.Conference1000.com). Birnbaum’s quite formalized metaphysics of Potential was juxtaposed against the academic establishment’s more informal metaphysics of Randomness. Dynamic debate – primarily at the collegial meals at the conference, pitted Birnbaum against academic establishment pillar, world renowned chemist and former Oxford don Peter Atkins. Birnbaum championed Potential; Atkins championed Randomness/Decay.

As regards the classic Theodicy (problem of Evil), Birnbaum places Potential at the core of the Divine. Potential is axiomatic. The Divine cannot contravene its own essence – of Potential. And since Freedom – Man’s freedom – is inextricably tied to Potential – the Divine cannot intrude on Man’s freedom – for to do so would be akin to cosmic suicide. There have been philosophers over the centuries who have ‘solved’ Theodicy by postulating that all-powerful God elects not to intervene in Man’s Freedom in order to yield man fullest possible Potential. Birnbaum’s crucial pivot here – as a consequence of his Potential theme – is that the Divine – whose very core is Infinite Divine Potential – is not truly able to intervene in Man’s Freedom.

Concerned about potentially being excommunicated – a la’ Spinoza – by the Jewish religious “right wing” for divergence from the Jewish philosophical Orthodoxy, Birnbaum braced his family. But the Jewish “right wing” felt his intentions were noble, his approach respectful, his scholarship impeccable – and his propositions elegant enough – and held-their-fire. As Birnbaum held-his-breath. Twenty-five years later he has emerged as editor-in-chief of the now-underway landmark 10-volume Mesorah Matrix series on Jewish spirituality, which has 140+ global Jewish thought leaders signed-up as essayists. (See www.MesorahMatrix.com) from across the Jewish spectrum. The first two volumes are expected-out in 2014.

As noted, at the future-end of the inter-related series of classic philosophical/scientific questions lies the ‘purpose of the universe’ question – known as the question of Teleology. Birnbaum layers his key theme of Potential right through it: The universe seeks to optimize its potential. The universe is, indeed, a Cosmic Womb of Potential. It ultimately seeks what Birnbaum calls extraordinariation. Birnbaum’s hypothesis dovetails with the work of contemporary NYU Professor of Law and Philosophy Thomas Nagel. In his controversial 2012 work Man and Cosmos, Nagel argues that the current “entrenched orthodoxy” in the scientific/philosophical community does not and cannot account for the evolvement of life, consciousness, and altruism, among other matters, and that consequently a teleology is needed.

Birnbaum elegantly lances all the key philosophical issues with one simple, yet sophisticated, theme: Quest for Potential. With regards the heavily-reviewed Summa I, the iconic paradigm arbiter Louis Dupré, retired Sterling Professor of Philosophy at Yale, has called the theory “original, promising… and a unified metaphysics”. Paul Mendes-Flour, Professor of Philosophy at Hebrew University – and editor of a multi-volume encyclopedia on philosophy – has called it “a remarkable effort to offer a fresh approach”. John J. Collins, Professor of Theology at Notre Dame called it a “new synthesis... a fascinating approach to the philosophy of religion which merits the attention of Christians and Jews alike.”

Deploying just one center-piece theme – Potential – Birnbaum enshrines his childhood quest in his 2-volume masterwork Summa Metaphysica. It stands alone – potentially elegantly unifying three great fields. [see DDD below]

But by writing and launching his paradigm-challenge [see EEE below] Birnbaum has also challenged a powerful status quo, a deeply-entrenched academic hierarchy – with has deep vested interests in de-legitimizing any challenge to its intellectual monopoly. This is an establishment which is aggressively protective of its turf. The entrenched academic establishment has a deep stake in the old paradigm – The credibility of their books and lecture series are all at-stake. Quest for ultimate truth does not necessarily top all of their agendas. Birnbaum has launched a major intellectual challenge to this ‘entrenched orthodoxy.’ A global intellectual and political war has begun. It promises to be fascinating – and brutal. It may span the 21st Century.


AAA   see down-the-road  www.Direction1000.com
BBB   see down-the-road  www.TheoryAd1000.com
CCC   see down-the-road  www.Simultaneous1000.com
DDD   see down-the-road  www.Unifying1000.com
EEE   see down-the-road  www.Potentialism-Summa.com

focus: David Birnbaum's Potentialism Theory


Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum's philosophy treatise:


"Birnbaum wrestles with the problem of evil from a Jewish perspective, but provides fresh insights for Christians as well. This is a good book, written in a faith, and with honesty and passion."

- THEOLOGICAL STUDIES, Georgetown University

David Birnbaum Philosophy


October 7, 2014


Potentialism for Teens

Life Coaching through the Lens of the Theory of Potential

Potentialist Theory is about growth. Designed by David Birnbaum, the Cosmological Theory of Potentialism describes a universe of infinite potential.

The Quest for Infinite Potential is a ground-breaking theory of cosmology for the 21st Century. Crafted by metaphysicist and private scholar David Birnbaum, Potentialism is laid out in the three-part treatise, Summa Metaphysica I, II and III (Ktav, 1988; New Paradigm Matrix, 2005; New Paradigm Matrix, 2014).

As Potentialism is about growth, it is only natural that Potentialism takes a special interest in teens – the future of our planet (see www.PotentialismTheory.com). Youngsters in their teens are in a pivotal zone of their lives; they should recognize their place in the cosmos – both now and in the future.

Beyond that, Birnbaum has taken upon himself the task of teaching teens how they may maximize their own potential – realizing better the ideals the cosmos has to offer them (see SummaMetaphysica.com). Following is a consolidated brief on Birnbaum's message to the youth of every nation.

The Potentialism Life Coach:

Some key concepts for teens

Be the best that you can be

Inherent in everyone is the limitless Potential they can become. You may seek education, enrich yourselves spiritually, grow a family...the list is endless. What is important is recognizing the Potential you innately have within yourself. Teens must actively seek after their Potential.

Within everyone is the full Potential of being. People can realize this potential by seeking it. But potential is not a guaranteed win. It requires drive, focus and a will to achieve. Human beings are empty vessels for Potential to fill. However, it requires effort to do so.

Most importantly, remember that this potential is within yourself; its attainment doesn't come without effort, but everyone is special and has the potential for excellence, if not greatness.

Hierarchize your goals

Every-so-often write down your key goals, and prioritize them. This will embed a marker in your psyche. Then, as you go through life, be alert to any (new) information or (new) strategies or (new) contacts which might bring these goals to fruition – or might help optimize them.


Convert negativity to positivity (aka ‘Energy Conversion’)

Try to convert (jiu jitsu) the negative energy from any setback into positive energy –
driving you towards your goals. Use the ‘negative energy’ as an impetus to drive towards your goals.

Always think on three time horizons: Short, Medium and Long term

All three are important. Do not overemphasize the short term. Your ‘life strategy’ must wind-its-way thru all three zones.

Failing to assess the life strategy through the three zones will keep you from maximizing your true potential. Only when we think on these three levels can we actualize our full potential.


Life Goals

Most important are your life goals. View these as goals/horizons to be approached. Of course, life goals, like all goals, can be crystallized better as we move through our 20s and 30s. But it’s nice to start thinking about them.

Your place in the cosmos

Never lose sight of the fact that you are special; that you are important; and that the universe has a special place for you. As the offspring of Potential, we are all necessary gears in the universe. Whether you know it or not, you are fulfilling a special place in the universe, and your being here is necessary (see www.PotentialismTheory.com/ParadigmChallenge/).


Personal Growth

Always remember the vast Potential within yourself. When planning your career, keep an eye on your personal growth. We are hard-wired, as children of Potential, to achieve while on this planet. Plan your career to help achieve those ends, and you will find you are not only more successful, but happier and more fulfilled.

Fulfilling life partner long term relationships

We are designed to find love and fulfilling relationships. In seeking such, we must always remember to look past what isn't really important. ‘Just a pretty face’ will not in the long term fill the longing in our soul that seeks to connect deeply. We must find that “other half” which seeks to fulfill our lives – raising it to greater levels – enveloping the emotional and spiritual bonds we naturally seek out.

Passion should be tethered to a secure financial future

Meaning, there is no imperative to link your financial future to your passion. One-way-or-another,
you must see a relatively clear path to a secure financial future.

Bringing out our Potential

We must always actively seek-out that which brings-out the most in our Potential – be it career options, relationships, education, side passions. We must always ask ourselves: In the end, does this path or action-step help me develop or bring-out the bountiful Potential that is within me? See www.SummaCoverage.com.




Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum's philosophy treatise:


"Wiesel and Birnbaum share a deep respect for, and loyalty to, their ancestral faith. Yet the contrast between their approaches is ultimately perhaps as instructive as the approaches themselves. Birnbaum's approach is essentially that of the Intellectual, philosopher, and theologian…"


Forward Wave

October 7, 2014

Forward Wave


Potentialism & Cosmic Consciousness:

The Forward Wave

Are we the forward wave of the consciousness of the universe? Are we, cumulatively, the updated lens of the universe?

Metaphysicist, David Birnbaum has set out to tackle this question. Birnbaum, author of the Theory of Potential, has put forth the theory that humankind may be the result of Potential honing its own skills, so to speak, as it seeks higher levels of Complexity (see PotentialismTheory.com). This would make humankind not only a product of the universe, but an integral, necessary tool of the universe as well.

Starting in 1988, Birnbaum was thrust onto the center stage of cosmology when he unleashed his first book on Potentialism, Summa Metaphysica I (Ktav, 1988). This would be followed by Summa Metaphysica II and III (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005 and New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). In it, Birnbaum states that the universe is driven by the Quest for Infinite Potential. Q4P for short, this Quest for Infinite Potential is a universal force which drives the universe towards infinitely more complex states (see www.SummaMetaphysica.com).

The cosmos itself follows a predetermined path towards what Birnbaum calls Extraordinariation, or E+. This Extraordinariation is, as described by Birnbaum, the ultimate state of super-complexity – an unimaginable state of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and intellectual complexity. Extraordinariation is an infinite goal. It is not so much a destination as a provider of the road map, or direction, for the universe to unfold in.

But Birnbaum describes the rising complexity in terms of Complexification, (shorthand notation: C+). The Theory of Potential hypothesizes regarding C+, that the universe seeks ever-higher levels of Complexification – complexity/sophistication/variety/wondrousness. This observation regarding Complexification has been shown to be true on all levels of the universe – ranging from macro to micro.

Indeed, previous levels of Complexification (like the emergence of our known universe from the Big Bang) lay the foundation for future, higher levels of complexity (like the emergence of Life on earth). Think of them as successive layers of Complexification, with each previous one being the necessary agent for the next.

Which begs the question – Is human kind an active component in the current Complexification of the universe?

The Complexification of consciousness

To answer the question, we must first define consciousness. On a most basic level, consciousness can be defined as being aware of one's surroundings. But this is more strictly correct for sentience. Sentience is the state of being able to experience – sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. Clearly this fits most everything in the animal kingdom to a greater or lesser extent.

For our purposes, consciousness refers to a higher state of sentience – self awareness, an awareness of one's own mind and those around us. Even the act of self-reflection to acknowledge our own consciousness is a far higher, more complex act of reason than most animals are capable of (at least, we believe so). And, for sure, none but humankind is able to act and write on the nature of our existence and consciousness. So, as we can see, humanity itself is the current pinnacle of consciousness. Of course, that is pretty much self-evident (see PotentialismTheory.com/ParadigmChallenge/).

Was this level of Complexification built on the foundation of a previous C+ layer? Certainly. Sentience was a prerequisite for the far more complicated state of consciousness. Thus, the question is what form of complexity will take us from the current level of Complexification to the next one? What will be the template which the next layer is built upon? While it is not clear what form the actual next step of Complexification will take, it seems fairly evident humanity will be its ‘launch platform’.

Humanity as an aspect of Q4P itself

But this brings up another point, the one central to Birnbaum's theory regarding Q4P (see www.Conference1000.com). If humanity is the catalyst/platform for the next Complexification, is it not reasonable to see humanity as part of Q4P itself – the conscious part. That is to say, humanity may be the lens through which Q4P currently views its work. Humankind may be the consciousness through which Q4P reflects on its progress – and then boots-up to the next level.

This audacious concept happens-to-be rooted fundamentally in scientific theory. Carl Sagan once noted, “We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.” While this may perhaps sound simply poetic, mathematician and quantum mechanic Pascual Jordon stated it more clearly scientifically: “Observations not only disturb what has to be measured, they produce it... We ourselves produce the result of the experiment”.

What Jordan was getting at was that it is the nature of a quantum universe for observation itself to help define reality – not in mental terms, but in real, tangible ways. Following this logical line of thinking places humanity and Q4P in a very different relationship with one another:


  1. Q4P has created something that can observe, through its inherent consciousness.
  2. Observation is a catalyst for creating physical reality.
  3. Q4P is the creative force of the universe itself.


Humanity must be an extension of Q4P itself, that is, humanity is both the means for Q4P to observe itself as well as create the next level of Complexification.

This is, in fact, one of the many logically observable proofs of the infinite pervasiveness of Potential. Potential not only creates, but is inherently part of everything it creates. And as we move forward though time, with the universe ever-growing in complexity, humankind stands as the forward wave of Q4P, driving it onwards through additional Complexification.

What form will the new level take? ESP? Some evolution of consciousness humankind doesn't even have a name for? That can be hard to predict as Complexification occasionally goes into uncharted waters of complexity. But what we can see is humanity's central place as the forward wave of Potential – and consciousness. See www.SummaCoverage.com.




Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum's philosophy treatise:


"a bold and highly original synthesis… audacious yet sensitive, traditional and yet highly innovative…yet within the parameters of an authentically Jewish halakhic point of view…an intellectual odyssey."



David Birnbaum Metaphysics

March 11, 2014



The Mathematics of Summa Metaphysica:

Fractals & David Birnbaum’s Philosophical Paradigm


By Mark Davis


Potentialism is a cosmological theory asserting that the universe moves, with a coordinated effort, towards a distinct goal. Unlike previous cosmological models of the last century which dealt with such models as Randomness – a theory that the universe is chaotic and without purpose, Potentialism draws the opposite conclusion, citing as its proof the universe and its perceivable order itself.

Potentialism draws on a teleological model of cosmology – that is, that something intentionally drives the universe and its evolution. Specifically, Potentialists assert that the universe is driven by the Quest for Infinite Potential. Broken down simply, the universe can be viewed as a biological individual. A person, in their totality is both what they are and Potentially what they may become. By logical extension, that same person is also all the Potential lives they may create through reproduction. Obviously, not every Potential will be realized, but it is self-evident that the Potential exists. And that Potential is infinite.

One of the most important concepts of Potentialism is the infinitely nested nature of Potentiality. For instance, the person we mentioned has the Potential to create children, but those children also have the Potential for offspring themselves, hence the original person holds not only their own Potential, but the Potential for all generations to come – an Infinite Potential within an Infinite Potential iterating on infinitely. Potentialists call this concept Q4P for short.

What is important though, is that this rule applies not only to humanity, but the universe as a whole. Indeed, nested systems occur in nature pervasively both in parallel and from the micro to macro scales. It can be seen in the similarities between atomic makeup up to the galactic and every stage in between – the repetitive nature of nucleus and orbiting satellites, whether it be electrons, planets or stars orbiting a nucleus, star, or galactic core.

This pervasive nested infinite nature is also present in the fundamentals of mathematics. Integral calculus is designed to quantify such irrationalities as infinitely complex surfaces. Likewise, fractal mathematics is a pure expression of nested infinities. Fractal mathematics would just seem an interesting side-note, a coincidental similarity between Potentialism found in mathematics if fractals were a purely mathematical expression. But that couldn't be further from the case.

Fractals are as pervasive, as they necessarily have to be by the definition of Potentialism, as every other proof of Potentialism. Fractals can be used to study the iterative designs of nature, from leaves to wing patterns. It is far beyond coincidence - the observable similarities that occur mimicking this unusual mathematical phenomena.

In less tangible spheres, fractals have shown to be natural extensions of concepts. In fact, wherever a seeming bidirectional choice or demarcation presents itself, fractals naturally appear conceptually. Take for instance, a jury determining a verdict for a complicated case. The variables possible in any given case are so infinite to make a straight demarcation of guilt or innocence impossible. Instead, the infinite factors create an irregular, fractal pattern along the line of legal and the illegal.

Even the human sub-conscious has been shown to display elements of fractal mathematics. Computer analysis of famous Pollock paintings have proven to contain fractal patterns and the human preference for fractal patterns can be seen worldwide in primitive arts such as textiles. These patterns likewise show up in architecture and art on a global scale. Somehow, it seems, even humanity is wired to express itself in this odd mathematical area.

But this is wholly predicted by Potentialism. Q4P not only expects this to be the case, it considers it a necessity. The harmony of fractal mathematics with the Quest for Infinite Potential is just as it necessarily has to be for our universe to work properly. To Potentialists, it's just a reassurance that everything is still working exactly as it was designed to. Fractals are just another expression of the nested, infinite nature of the cosmic order as it strives to realize its infinite Potentiality.



Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum's philosophy treatise:


“Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential offers a unified, grand and dynamic cosmic construct.”

- The Huffington Post, United Kingdom, January / 31 / 2014

David Birnbaum Philosophy

Frontiers in Science Journal

December 21, 2013

Frontiers in Science


Potentialism or String Theory?

Science – and physics in particular – seeks the Theory of Everything (TOE) in a formula or concept like ‘String Theory.’ To a physicist, a theory like ‘String Theory’ which potentially unifies Einstein’s large-scale physics with small-scale quantum physics would be a ‘theory of everything.’

But, an obvious question comes to mind:  Maybe that is just a ‘Unified Theory of Physics’ and not of the grander cosmos in all its richness and mysteries – beyond the realm of pure physics?

Now, since ancient times, philosophers have been grappling for a theory unifying everything.  The West is familiar with Aristotle and Plato and their buddies. ‘Everything’ is what they grappled with. And ‘everything’ encompassed much more that the mechanistic field of physics, however that field was to morph and evolve over the millennia to come.

Contemporary science uses the shorthand notation TOE for the elusive Theory of Everything. But what happened to the more overarching and iconic field (metaphysics) of those famous Greeks? Gone with the wind? Not fashionable? Not politically correct? Too intractable – so we abandon the inquiry, however noble?

Metaphysics is a corner of philosophy which deals in the fundamental building blocks of the cosmic order. Contemporary metaphysicist David Birnbaum of Manhattan uses the shorthand notation Q4P for his proposed overarching ‘Quest for Potential’ theory (for absolutely everything). Now, metaphysicists shun the term ‘theory of everything’ for their own theories, even though that is quite-precisely what (all) their theories attempt – by definition. Metphysicians are acutely aware of the grandness of their respective quests, and are simultaneously averse to trumpeting that grandness. To date, no metaphysics has ‘withstood the test of time.’ Only very, very brave individuals ‘attempt a dive off of this high board.’  The potential rewards of ‘cracking the cosmic code’ may be great, but the odds of success are quite daunting, to put it mildly. Brave souls involved in metaphysics have enough challenges on-their-hands without trumpeting that they seek the ‘Ultimate Big Idea Eureka Moment Flashing Light Bulb.’

Let us now go back to the scientific quest for a TOE – a Theory of Everything. From the vantage point of a philosopher or metaphysicist or to a random 7-year-old, reconciling large-scale physics with small-scale-physics is far from a Theory of Everything.  However, that TOE (Theory of Everything) term is widely used in academic circles and I the general vernacular, including our contemporary source for Absolute Truth Wikipedia, which we all know and love.

Now, metaphysics has been somewhat orphaned since the dawn of the European Renaissance in Florence in the 14th century. The Renaissance placed ‘laboratory science’ on the very highest pedestal, and there it has remained. Contemporary ‘theoretical physics’ pegs-off of laboratory science and the two march-in-tandem. However, it turns-out that the Renaissance simply did not solve the ‘very big’ questions – and not for lack of trying. It turns out that the optimal ‘laboratory’ for cracking the cosmic code is one’s brain. And that creative and incisive human brain has been around for many thousands of years, predating any particle accelerator setup in CERN. Indeed, it comes off-the-shelf with all newborns. No National Science Foundation grants needed.

To yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated contemporary metaphysicist David Birnbaum, among others, the ‘laboratory physics’—only approach,  as opposed to a  grander ‘conceptual approach,’ will always fall short. Metaphysics indeed incorporates ‘laboratory science’ as an integral key component part, but not as the entire deal. Metaphysics points out that unless we take a grander conceptual approach, we will always be left with a series of key classic philosophical/metaphysical questions/issues hanging unresolved.

Additionally, odds-are that even the so-to-speak ‘unified scientific theory’ will tend to have ‘troublesome’ loose ends. These irritating ‘loose ends’ will all ultimately be resolvable not in a 2014  laboratory – but rather by the bona fide metaphysical construct, when it is discerned and played-out – by the scientific community. As the respective names of the fields, metaphysics and physics, imply, ultimately one cannot separate metaphysics from physics. The two fields are so to speak ‘connected-at-the-hip.’

Some of these ‘hanging issues’ which a scientific community TOE would leave unresolved would include the following: (1) Why is there anything at all? (2) Where did the ‘strings’ of String Theory come from? (3) What initially ‘energized’ these so-interesting strings – or whatever physical phenomena/entity is proposed as unifying? (4)  What ‘breathes fire’ into these ‘strings’ today – sustaining their dynamism? (5)  What ignited the Big Bang, the primary initial focus of ‘String Theory’? (6) The ‘Goldilocks Enigma’ question:  Why were the dynamics of ‘the strings’ so finely calibrated such as to produce a universe which would generate life? (7) What was the actual catalyst for life, language and consciousness?

Both conceptual theorist/private scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan (Summa Metaphysica series 1988, 2005) and quantum physicist Seth Lloyd of MIT (Programming the Universe 2006) deal on a grand macro level: Over the span of cosmic history to-date how is the overall universe operating?  Each thought leader individually proposes a ground breaking solution. Both of their respective solutions are original, but are nevertheless eerily inter-related and parallel.

It turns out that Birnbaum can readily incorporate the Lloyd theory as the ‘mechanistic’ portion of his grander and more overarching metaphysical ‘Potentialism’ theory. Academics are aware of Birnbaum’s option here, but the author has not committed as such to date. Although crafted from radically different perspectives – Birnbaum’s  revolutionary theory is through a  metaphysical lens and Lloyd’s provocative theory is through a quantum mechanics lens – nothing in the Birnbaum theory materially contradicts the Lloyd theory  - and vice versa.

Both thought leaders specifically propose front-and-center that the equations of physics are marshaled by the cosmic order to iteratively ‘advance’ (the cosmos).  Birnbaum and Lloyd respectively each propose different paradigms, but at the gut core of their proposals they are in-sync.

Both of these theorists posit and publish parallel theories of ‘cosmos-as-a-whole iteration and self-advance.’  In parallel their theories overturn the global academic status quo. To both theorists, the cosmos as-a-whole - via internal and integral dynamics - is constantly iterating and advancing (to the next level).  The two theories step onto the global intellectual stage amazingly in-tandem.

Lloyd’s (2006) theory was pretty much ignored until the related Birnbaum theory (1988, 2005) as if by spontaneous combustion, exploded onto the global arena in 2013. For context, November 2013 marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of the November 1988 release of Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica I (God and Evil).

We will focus more in-depth now on the Birnbaum approach as it ‘wraps-around’ the Lloyd approach. Meaning, per Birnbaum the Lloyd construct is ‘necessary but not sufficient.’  By this thinking, Lloyd is not necessarily wrong; he is just not fleshing-out the situation as fully as is necessary. Per Birnbaum, Professor of Quantum Mechanics Lloyd is mainly giving the mechanics aspect. Lloyd would
probably agree – as his mantra is that he is “but a mechanic.” Lloyd universe-as-quantum-computer is perhaps not giving the still-fuller necessary conceptual/metaphysical superstructure. So we will focus on the more overarching paradigm which Birnbaum proposes in his seminal treatise.

For context of the overall ‘conceptual chessboard’ one could say that (MIT scientist) Lloyd’s  quantum mechanics construct ‘wraps-around’ the scientific community’s  TOE (Theory of Everything) , and that Birnbaum’s construct, in turn,  wraps-around Lloyd’s construct. Ironically, it turns out that Birnbaum’s overarching construct is, on some level, the ‘simplest’ of all.

Birnbaum likes proposed grand concepts to be ‘simple, yet infinite.’ According to Birnbaum, only a ‘simple yet infinite’ dynamic could have broken out of the void.  Since  on its face the string in ‘String Theory’ is neither ‘simple’ nor ‘infinite,’ it is  perhaps more suitable for the more ‘limited realm’ of Advanced Physics (however profound that realm is) than for the infinite world of metaphysics.

Birnbaum’s super-wrap construct can be encapsulated in one word: Potential. This is the core of his ‘framing concept’ or what Archimedes would label as his proposed ‘axiom.’ But axiom or not, Birnbaum believes he can posit its eternality via Formal Logic – which, by the way, he studied as an undergraduate.

As well, Birnbaum makes the following calculation: Find the dynamic which is eternal, and that dynamic should probably ‘solve’ the bulk of the key unresolved metaphysics issues. That metaphysical dynamic, if correct, should de facto unify all fields (including, in the mix, the large and small-scale theories of physics).

Birnbaum vectors onto the dynamic of Potential/Possibility as the only dynamic which we can posit with certitude as being eternal. He then refines the dynamic to be ‘Quest for Potential’ (Q4P).  Birnbaum then layers Q4P across cosmic history – and across the entire series of classic and modern metaphysics questions. It seems to work.  Summa theory has been hailed as a tour de force of conceptual elegance. (See www.sequence1000.com for point-by-point articulation).

Scientist Andrei Alyokhin, Professor of Biology and Ecology at University of Maine - frontally endorsing the power of Summa Theory - wrote In December 2012:  “Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the universe…It is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic...”.  Note that neither Birnbaum nor Alyokhin speak with certitude. Rather, both propose Summa as a ‘working hypothesis.’ (Of course they both happen to believe it to be true.)

Effectively, Birnbaum launches ‘Potentialism.’ The Manhattan conceptual theorist is quick to point out, however, that his ‘potential’ theory is intended as a transcending dynamic fueling (all) other fields, whether physics or biology or spirituality or religion et al.  Meaning, Potentialism is intended as a ‘framing concept’ and not as a stand-alone ‘belief system.’ Of course, what Birnbaum wants with his theory, and what the world actually does with his theory, may or may not turn out to be one-and-the-same.

Birnbaum assiduously crafts his philosophy works as potentially simpatico to religion in general, and monotheism (and Judaism) in particular. Indeed he subtitles the two volumes of Summa Metaphysica as God and Evil, and God and Good, respectively. And, indeed, his Summa I: God and Evil work offers – via his Quest for Potential theory -  an original and elegant resolution of ‘the problem of evil’ . The shorthand notation for the ‘problem of evil’ is ‘theodicy’, the salient issue which has most vexed religious philosophy over the millennia.

Published in 1988, the Birnbaum theodicy, which deploys ‘potential’ as centerpiece, has resonated globally. World renowned Professor of Jewish History Lawrence Schiffman (previously of NYU, recently at Yeshiva University) wrote in December 1989: “Birnbaum comes as close as possible to solving the dilemma of evil in a world created by a just God.”

But on net balance Birnbaum is universalistic, wary of over-committing conceptually to a religious approach. More in the tradition of Aristotle and Spinoza, he gives full respect to religion, while maintaining a careful emotional and intellectual distance. And it is this ‘universalism’ which may eventually turn out to be a runaway phenomenon.

Of course in Summa, Birnbaum provides religious adherents with what many have been seeking at least since Sinai – a quite-powerful metaphysical anchor. This ‘metaphysical anchor’ is not to be underestimate in the 5,000 year ongoing feud between the ‘religious’ at one polarity and the ‘hard-line atheistic’ at the other polarity.

Birnbaum’s philosophy works have been used as course texts at universities and seminaries globally for over twenty-five years.  Secular institutions Included in these dozen+ institutions are UCLA, Brandeis and Hebrew University (Jerusalem) among others. Note that the title Summa Metaphysica ‘modestly’ translates as ‘the sum of all metaphysics.’

Birnbaum’s  Potentialism posits a follows:  The true overarching ‘unifying force’ is Potential; Potential is eternal; it brought the equation of physics to the fore; in turn they (acting as agents of Divine Potential?) ached and ache to-this-day for ever-fuller actualization and realization and overall potentiality; to that end they engineered the igniting of the universe as we know it (via the Big Bang) as a platform to reach fuller realization through reality; within that reality, pressing well-beyond survival ( of the fittest), they quest for life, love, consciousness et al.  Elegant and powerful. If one wishes to assert that Potential forms the core of the Divine, so be it. If not, not.

Note that Birnbaum’s Theory of Potentialism wraps-around Lloyd’s complexifying quantum universe, which in turn wraps-around the ‘string theory’ physicist’s universe (or its latest theory du jour). In plain English Birnbaum’s theory wraps-around Lloyd’s theory, which wraps-around String Theory. Thus, Summa supporters maintain that Q4P is the Real Deal Theory of Everything (that is, the Real Deal TOE).  Accept no substitute.

As noted, at the core of Birnbaum’s Summa theory of potential is Q4P (Quest for Potential).  And this Q4P is posited as the true and sole ‘framing concept’ of the cosmos.  For those who like their concepts super-concise, the shorthand for the proposition would, tongue-in-cheek, consequently be “Q4P is the true TOE.” The rhyming is coincidence.




Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum's philosophy treatise:


“Spinoza and Birnbaum are paradigm-breaking philosophers who have shaped the study of philosophy. Both their works can be found in university classrooms across the country and the world.”

- CNN iReport, April / 9 / 2014

Future Tech

David Birnbaum Metaphysics

February 25, 2014

Future Tech


February 25, 2013

7000 Years in the Making

For over 7000 years the greatest minds of mankind have wrestled with the great cosmic question – what is the universe and what, if any, is mankind's place in it?

Today more than ever humankind may be close to that ultimate answer. Paul Davies, an English-born physicist and current professor at Arizona State University, has tackled this question head on. Following the pioneering steps of such vanguard theorists as David Birnbaum and Simon Morris, Davies explores the intellectual landscape in his groundbreaking The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life? (Mariner Books, 2007). He elaborates on the question of whether the universe itself was designed in such a way as to make humanity inevitable.

The Weak and Strong Anthropic Principle

Two central concepts in the argument over humankind's necessity in the universe are the

weak and strong anthropic principles. The weak anthropic principle is the argument that life's emergence in the universe was happenstance and accidental. This principle is a core tenant of older theories, such as Randomness, which assert that all cosmic existence is utterly random and without purpose – just the result of a passive selection mechanism.

In contrast, the strong anthropic principle asserts that the emergence of life is inevitable because it is built into the basic laws of the universe. That is to say, that the very laws of nature overwhelmingly have guided the universe to create intelligent life. This would be central to Davies' concept of the Goldilocks Enigma that the universe had to be just right for life to have spawned and that with so many random factors at work, it would be absurd to think it could have occurred by sheer luck. As Cambridge biologist Simon Conway Morris puts it, “There is, if you like, seeded into the initiation of the universe itself the inevitability of intelligence.

The quantum argument

The strong anthropic principle can sound absurd to modern scientists. There is an intrinsic bias towards disregarding life as a fundamental part of the universe. This has been ingrained by the long-standing reign of Randomness. But the strong principle actually has a sound grounding in modern physics. It can be observed most strongly in quantum physics.

In quantum physics, it is accepted theory that observation affects the results of experimentation. More to the point, observing a phenomenon is actually a causal factor in its achieving a particular outcome. One of the most popularly adhered-to ideas to explain this oddity is quantum multiverse. In a quantum multiverse, there are an infinite number of parallel universes which can potentially exist.

When an observer measures the results of a quantum decision, they, in effect, force nature to make a decision. For instance, say an electron is knocked away from an atom and it can leave in a trajectory to the left or right. In quantum mechanics the direction it takes is indeterminate. Not only can the electron exist either to the left or right, but until it is measured, it exists in both places. Only when it is observed, will it finally come to exist in one place or another.

In a quantum multiverse, what is happening is that the uncertainty of direction splits the universe in two, one where the electron goes left, one where it goes right. The act of observing in and of itself forces the observer to choose a particular universe of existence. If the observer sees the electron on the left, then that is the universe which the electron continues existing in. By the laws of quantum multiversing, the universe expands infinitely and at all times in reaction to these uncertainty choices resolving. The theory sounds odd, of course, but this isn't philosophy – this is the current state of the science of quantum physics.

What is interesting is the interaction of observation. Observation is necessarily carried out by something aware – something that thinks. For quantum multiversing to function properly, humankind must be a part of the universe to drive the observation – hence, humankind would need to be a fundamental part of the universe for it to work properly.

This likewise highlights another theory, that proposed by private scholar David Birnbaum. In his theory of Potentialism, he cites as one of the key strengths of the universe, it's Infinite Potential. This is reflected quite clearly in the multiversing paradigm. Humankind's observational power not only displays the ability to affect the universe, but also to shape the multiplicity of infinite quantum parallel multiverses.

Life and intelligence as a part of physical reality

An important key to legitimizing the importance of life and intelligence in the cosmic order is being able to identify it as a valid, physical force in the universe. This is not so hard a task as it might seem at first. The study of thought and, by extension, spirituality remain squarely in the domain of philosophy, spirituality and religion. This is so because there is no science currently at hand which can quantify and measure such phenomena.

What is commonly incorrectly assumed though is that since something can't be quantified it cannot be proven to exist. This could not be further from the truth. Thought can be shown to be as fundamental a force in the universe as mass or electricity.

Take a simple example of throwing a ball. If one picks up a ball and tosses it, on the surface the cause and effect seem obvious – the thrower is the cause, the ball sailing through the air is the result. This is not the case though. The original impetus, the prime mover that caused the reaction was the conscious decision of someone to throw the ball. Viewed properly, the throw itself, while the cause of the ball's motion, is also the effect of the person's decision to take the action of throwing. The thought is the prime mover in the action, the throwing is further down the sequence of events. Without the person's conscious decision to take action, the ball never would have moved.

Similarly, conscious thought can describe order in more intricate actions where the lack of conscious design would make the actions seem random and pointless. Consider a scenario Davies illustrates of a person cooking supper. To an observer, they would see ingredients being moved about, spices chosen, heat applied to ingredients after mixing... None of the actions, in and of themselves, make sense outside the context of conscious thought. It is the cook's decision to make supper that is the designer and prime mover of all the resulting actions. It is what makes sense of what is occurring.

This is the reason Randomness and Teleology (the theory that the universe moves with intent and willful purpose to evolve) differ so much in their tenants. Randomness sees only mathematical unpredictability in the universe. Since they cannot predict individual events with certainty, they conclude that all actions in the universe occur without reason.

When adding consciousness to the cosmic equation though, new possibilities for order come to light. While the pure mathematics of Randomness tries to calculate a formula for when cumin or oregano will be lifted from the spice cabinet, Teleology understands that Randomness never asked the simplest question of all – what is the universe cooking currently? There is no randomness involved at all. The observer just hasn't understood what the recipe is.

The future of cosmology

Mind is a physical force in the universe. Not only does it have measurable impact, but quantum physics has shown its necessity in quantum phenomena and the great power it has over sculpting our universe. Previous tools such as Randomness, fail in their determining the ultimate nature of the universe because they fail to account for the significant place of thought both as a physical force and its role as a prime mover. Moreover, this prime mover, can give light to the seeming randomness of creation by describing the teleologically driven path the universe proceeds along. After seven millennia, mankind is only now emerging to understand the central place they inhabit in the grand order of cosmology.

Mind and consciousness

But what impetus led to the emergence of mind and consciousness? Indeed, what impetus ignited the universe? What impetus is driving the entire cosmic dynamic? Is there a direction to the cosmos?

Of course these questions and variations thereof have bedeviled mankind for thousands of years. Conceptual theorist David Birnbaum of Manhattan has proposed a dynamic – which has tantalized the global academic and theological community – which just-so-happens to succinctly and simultaneously resolves all these questions. Plus about a dozen other hitherto intractable issues.

Birnbaum’s proposed Quest for Potential** uniquely scientifically elegantly answers these questions. Birnbaum’s shorthand notation for Quest for Potential** is Q4P**. Per Birnbaum, eternal Q4P** harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Math to ignite the cosmic order and thereupon drive it onward and onward towards ever-greater complexity/extraordinariness through this day. Only the Birnbaum formulation (Summa Metaphysica volume I: 1988, volume II: 2005 and volume III: 2014) adequately unifies the disparate cosmic building blocks. Encapsulated in one simple formula Q4P ( Q4P ( Q4P – or Quest for Potential nested infinitely – the Birnbaum formulation succinctly works. Wrapping-around Einstein macro-physics and Planck micro-physics – and lancing the classic Greek metaphysical questions to boot – Potentialism elegantly offers the most powerful and all-encompassing cosmology, to-date, 7,000 years and counting...




Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum's philosophy treatise:


“The 21st century has seen a rise in new theories of cosmology. At the forefront has been Potentialism. The theory was developed by independent scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan [via] his 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica. The theory is an iconic paradigm challenge.”

- The Epoch Times, June / 4 / 2014

David Birnbaum Philosophy

Future Tech – Glossary

June 5, 2014

Future Tech –

Iconoclast David Birnbaum philosophy cracks the cosmic code. His Summa Metaphysica  proposes a true Theory of Everything.




Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum’s philosophy treatise:


“David Birnbaum, metaphysicist and private scholar, set out on an audacious odyssey [culminationg] in 1988 and 2005 to redefine modern cosmology as we know it. What he gave the world was a metaphysics for the 21st century.”

– Future Technology (Virginia Tech), April / 21 / 2014

God & Potential

September 4, 2014

God & Potential


Does God Seek After His Own Potential?

David Birnbaum’s 21st Century Theory of Potentialism

By Viksa Sharma

God and science do not ‘easy bedfellows make.’ It is rare to hear both – God and Science – in the same room unless there is an argument ensuing. Twentieth century science had fought a long, hard battle to remove the spiritual from cosmology. Academic science assiduously endeavored to explain the cosmos as a whole, totally devoid of the possibility of even the possibility of the spiritual; the concerted attempt was to explain the universe in purely physical, scientific terms to the 100% exclusion of any overarching force whatsoever to the Cosmic Order. However, academic science has failed.

Entering the 21st century, someone has stepped up to challenge the failing theories of the last century. David Birnbaum, an independent metaphysicist, philosopher and writer, began a journey in the 1980s to fix our broken understanding of cosmology. Tossing out the failed theory of the last century – Randomness/Atheism – Birnbaum has offered a powerful and elegant fully-integrated new construct (see ParadigmChallenge).

Instead of delegitimizing spirituality, Birnbaum sought to find and embrace the very link between science, faith, spirituality and religion, a link which had dissolved over the last century. Birnbaum crafted his opus magnum trilogy, Summa Metaphysica (see SummaMetaphysica.com). What would broaden into a three part work, Summa Metaphysica I (1988, Ktav Publishing) would redraw the lines of cosmology; the volume would teach a new generation of metaphysicists the science-friendly interrelationship between physical science, spirituality, philosophy and religion. The holy grail of metaphysics – a fully integrated and unified theory – was finally in-hand about 7,000 years into its quest.

Potentialism teaches that the universe is driven by one central prerogative – infinite divine potential – inexorably seeking- after its own inherent potential. Every thing in the universe has a built-in drive to excel – to grow in complexity and become something more than its current state – enroute to the extraordinary. The universe itself follows its own infinite Quest for Potential. Thus, Potentiality is pervasive, eternal and infinite.

Why have we not noticed it? You might in parallel ask – Why do you not notice the air you breathe? Ironically, Potential is so pervasive, it can be invisible even when it is in plain sight. Like the invisible air all around us, it is easy to take it for granted; we give it no notice. Ubiquitous. But its footprint is everywhere.

Once can witness Potential in the way particles wish to become atoms, in the way atoms wish to become molecules, and in the way molecules wish to form larger structures until DNA itself comes together. Likewise, cosmic dust becomes galaxies, galaxies form stars and planets. Potential is everywhere for anyone who wishes to see. Hiding in plain sight.

The Randomness/Atheist construct of the last century thought to deny any overarching drive to the Cosmic Order; scientists of the last century would have us believe the universe – as its major defining feature – is atrophying, decaying and dying. But Birnbaum called out this ‘Emperor's Clothes’ construct for what it was. The discerned decay is just collateral to the extraordinary and profound growth; ongoing growth and advance is the central dynamic and drive of the Cosmic Order.

In the face of brutal resistance from the hallowed halls of academia, someone finally had the nerve to point out the simple truth: Wherever one looks – the universe is growing, becoming more alive, and filling with diversity and complexity – and richness.

The Need to Destroy God

Potentialism not only shows a universe of life, future, creation and complexity – it shows a universe of intention. This has been one of the reasons atheist academia have attacked Potentialism so vehemently. To be clear, Potentialism is ultimate scientific cosmology. It does not guarantee God Itself exists – at least not in any way a particular religion expresses and defines him. What Potentialism does do, is open the metaphysical possibility for God.

Randomness/Atheism: An Extreme Position

Ironically, even the possibility of the divine, unhinges Randomness/Atheism – for possible God's existence would destroy the foundation of Randomness/Atheism - which had staked out a simplistic, hard-line position: There is no design/direction/purpose – whatsoever – to our totally aimless universe. While Potentialism is religion-neutral, Randomness is actively, almost virulently, anti-religion and indeed, fanatically anti-purpose.

Why did Randomness academics stake out such an extreme position? Perhaps to align politically with global Atheism and thus build-out a large, natural global constituency. But this extreme position would come back to haunt the Randomness academics with a vengeance when Birnbaum’s Summa – with its formidable and elegant teleology (cosmic purpose) of cosmic quest for potential as central motif – hit the world in 1988

To put it simply, Randomness/Atheism – as its current adherents currently self-define their ideology – can only exist in a universe that has no intention, no drive, no direction, no purpose whatsoever. Their Randomness universe has to be thoroughly random, meaningless and aimless.

The 20th century Randomness/Atheist crew (with center-of-gravity in England) – aided by political support from the global Atheist community – indeed achieved a political hammer-lock on formal academic discussion; formal global academic metaphysics discussion had to be within the parameters of Randomness/Atheism – or face the wrath of Oxford-Cambridge, as bizarre as this sounds.

Locking-in academe irrevocably – which in retrospect was suicidal – gave the very people who have been traditionally tasked with exploring the secrets of the cosmos for us – high-level academe – a vested interest in the skewed results. The very gatekeepers of cosmology have been tainted by a need for (cherry-picked) facts to fit their (fossilized) beliefs.

Galileo would be stunned by the irony that the halls of academia would one day become the mirror-image of the medieval Catholic Church itself which imprisoned him; the Church would militantly attack and debase any independent belief and thought; upholders of cherished medieval Church dogma implacably moved to destroy any beliefs which the Church might not ideologically be able to coexist with; in parallel, the Randomness/Atheism academic junta stifled debate for decades.

The Nature of God

But Potentialism recaptures the place of dynamism in academic discourse. It allows possible ‘space’ in cosmology even for spirituality. To Potentialists, the possible place of potential spirituality is self-evident. In a universe of ‘direction’ and ‘purpose’ which includes thought and morality as well as energy and matter – and, most importantly, an overarching drive of infinite potential – the possible option of spirituality has a natural place.

Potentialism describes a universe of intention. That Intention is the Quest for Infinite Potential. But here is where it gets interesting. If the universe is moving with intention, which it clearly and observably is – does that intention have an intelligence behind it? Or is it a suis generis cosmic intuitiveness? See https://www.summametaphysica.com/theory-outline/.

From the inception of his 3-part masterwork, Birnbaum is quite wary of classic God. To put it mildly, he is wary of the supernatural; but Birnbaum’s Infinite Quest for Potential – is an eternal natural dynamic; and therein lies the extraordinary finesse. The dynamic was ‘hiding in plain sight’, but simply not discerned prior; thus, in one masterstroke, Birnbaum is able to finesse – and unify – philosophy- science-spirituality-religion-metaphysics – with one single hypothesized natural dynamic. See www.SummaCoverage.com.



Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum's philosophy treatise:


“…Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the Universe…it is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential∞ as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic.”

- Dr. Andrei Alyokhin, Maine, November, 2012,Professor and Graduate Coordinator, School of Biology and Ecology, University of Maine