ZETA: “Principa Metaphysicaâ€
Published on 6 Sep 2006 at 2:47 am.
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ONLY infinite and unbounded POTENTIAL
as a goal, as a theoretical ‘end–point’,
could & would have the power to ignite a Cosmos
1800 Series
and what actualizes the putative Divine?
The DIVINE is–in–the–process of infinite SELF–EVOLVEMENT
ongoing for billions of eons
…traversing from metaphysical realms
to ever–fuller & richer
…as it courses towards
the “very–end–of–the–rainbowâ€
almost ‘by definition’
always existed
It is merely potential
By definition, It (potential possibility) is the ONLY dynamic which can possibly be eternal.
Potential/Possibility may have more facets and dimensions to it
– Divine or otherwise – than we were alerted to in contemporary culture,
but by definition only potential/possibility is eternal.
1900 Series
The DIVINE – as opposed to the Embryonic Divine –
is ultimately a goal—
to be approached in ever–greater–and–greater
fullness and richness and consciousness
end of Principa Metaphysica
[Don’t get hyper over the male-female orientations.
As in down-to-earth reality, both ‘components’ certainly
have all the elements of potential, including Quest for
Advancement and Quest for Fulfillment. It is a question
of the slightest degree of tilt in internal general orientation and priorities.]
Now, sof kol sof, (after all-is-said-and-done) as KOHELETH (l’havdil) might have said, once the core ‘dynamic- Quest for Potential∞ – is discerned/conceptualized – as it has been over the span of Book #1 – Book #2 – as
# being a Singularity
# being Infinite
# Questing after Its Own Potential
# being ‘at the core of the Divine’
# being infinitely ITERATIVE & RECURSIVE
# being eternal – initially at least in metaphysical realms
i.e. infinite potentiality ‘ down-the-road’ ignites Creation retroactively**
# being simultaneously ‘the embryonic Divine’ –
while simultaneously being ‘infinite’
# encompassing the eternal cumulative consciousness and LifeForce, as well
all the other propositions inevitably flow from this one AXIOM.
(deep breath)
[** this is the core thread of the core idea]