Published on 7 Sep 2006 at 3:47 am.
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Unlocking the cosmic code is not just an ivory tower academic enterprise. For, the stakes are, of course, great. For, to the extent that we unlock the cosmic code, we also understand ourselves, our children, our purpose, our inner drive, our universe, our planet, our civilization, our struggles and triumphs and our ultimate meaning. We can better prioritize and put matters in perspective. We can achieve higher and higher levels of self-actualization, and, indeed, consciousness. We can empower ourselves and optimize our lives. We can better set goals for ourselves and for our children. We can prevail better over adversity and inevitable setbacks, and, indeed, prevail better over success. We can advance forward with deliberate confidence. As noted, The Lost Manual is also a “Wisdom Bookâ€, offering either explicit or implicit thoughts about life – from the perspective of ‘the perpetrator’ of this particular overarching metaphysics. The underlying motif is that there are really no simplistic ABSOLUTES. Rather, life is more nuanced, more textured. Some of the “wisdom themes†offered, are spins of classic themes, but with more nuance, and with an occasional dose of pop culture.
Cosmic Drama Focus:
Now, the mode of presenting my solution is not so simple. At the one extreme is the one sentence proposition:
“Quest for Potential†drives the cosmos. Take it or leave it.
At another extreme is to attempt to delineate tens of thousands of nuanced potentialities.
“God’s 120 Guardian Angels†tries to flesh-out the core proposition by playing with 120 potentialities or concepts related to Quest for Potential. This is my chosen vehicle.
Cracking cosmic codes and articulating the infinite is not that simple.
We are, each of us, at the very center of — and integral to — the cosmic drama.
The dimensions of the drama are, indeed, infinite.
Each of us…each and every one of us…is an entire cosmos–in–microcosm.
And each of us is part-and-parcel of this “divine unfoldingâ€.
So here we go, my friends… Open your souls and hearts…
The next phase of this journey commences…