note: The Key Term
Published on 30 Aug 2006 at 5:59 pm.
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Quest for Potential∞
is infinitely recursive;
an infinitely recursive, unique supra-dynamic:
Quest for Potential∞
within Quest for Potential∞
within Quest for Potential∞ (…….ad infinitum)
hence, the INFINITY symbol
Another way of looking at this schematically would be
Q4P ( Q4P ( Q4P …….
Yes, like those wooden Chinese/Russian
dolls-within-a-doll, within-a-doll, etc.,
usually, ~ 6 – 10 dolls
But in our case, it is a
dynamic-within-a-dynamic, within-a-dynamic, etc.
ad infinitum
(to the power of INFINITY)
– and ad infinitum means an awful lot of
‘coiled potential’
Q4P = Quest for Potential∞
Q4F = Quest for Fulfillment