<< Guardian Angels 61-80

Published on 25 Sep 2006 at 1:40 am. No Comments.
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— 68 —
Guardian Angel of DISSENT


the Jews are too good at dissent
perhaps they should cool-it a little
always challenging the establishment
goes back to Abraham and Terach’s idols
follows through to the Russian revolution
nothing gets these guys down
and, of course, the new establishment is the first to victimize them in any event
but it’s in their blood

liberté, egalité, fraternité
you’d think they invented the slogan
they bequeath these gems to the populace— and then have their synagogues burned to the ground,— hopefully not with themselves inside

but as we alluded to, Judaism was itself a revolution
and the exodus a rebellion
as were the Maccabees, the Masadas and pretty much, in one form or another, nearly every episode we hold dear
so it is not a question of whether, it is just a question of when— and how

choose worthwhile targets my children,
because more often than not,
you will succeed


Eheyeh said it could be done
That we could leverage–buyout the cosmos
That we could leverage future Potential/ FULFILLMENT into Creation

Eheyeh saw what we all did not see

— 69 —
Guardian Angel of FORTITUDE

no one ever said things would be easy…

no one promised a rose garden… indeed,
quite the opposite
one challenge after another

and if born “with a silver spoon”,
that comes back to haunt, as well


Pearl Buck’s “The Good Earth”
of course, a nurturing household, talent, education, work ethic, luck, minimal risk path, a good love-partner, the right place, the right timing can in-combination indeed set you free…
but remove a couple of these components— or take the edge off of them— and, especially over the long run, it gets dicey

sometimes very dicey


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