<< Guardian Angels 21-40
Published on 25 Sep 2006 at 1:22 am.
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Guardian Angel of BLUE
we know
it’s bad to play favorites…
but, you know, BLUE is a favorite up here
we liked it so much, we designated the sky as such
Sky Blue
then, of course,
Royal Blue
Midnight Blue
Biblical and mystical tcheilet blue
Magenta Blue
Green Blue
Blue diamonds… the rarest of the rare
we sort of get carried away…
hard to explain…
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Guardian Angel of TIDES
no waves
little waves
rolling thunder crashing waves
this is my Guardianship…
century after century
where the seas lip laps the sand… and the sailors find firm ground…
where lovers walk hand–in–hand
where sea shells sunbathe
where little kids build those not–so–perfect sandcastles
where fearsome armadas and navies disgorge their invaders…
I am there…
eon after eon…
Yes. I oversaw man’s ascent from the sea…
the epochal transition…
the heavens themselves stood still…
as man leaped
the heavens themselves uncertain as to this little epochal forward leap forward…
out from the sea womb… out from Atlantis’ Tree of Life… into/onto another higher dimension Tree of Knowledge…
the cosmic theme repeated endlessly, in many shapes, forms dimensions… never to cease…
Womb Tree of Knowledge
to Potential Tree of Knowledge
Birnbaum’s Quest for Potential
playing-out in front of my eyes…
Elegantly and Violently simultaneously…
like Childbirth you know…
ask the Tides, the Witness and Notary…
they have seen much, for sure… they talk little…
except to me, of course
— as I protect them
don’t you know?