DELTA: Embryonic Design

Published on 6 Sep 2006 at 2:14 am. No Comments.
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Q4P pervades love, passion, emotion

Q4P pervades— and is integral to— Humanity in full intensity

Q4P pervades — and is integral to — all life and all inert substance,
all humanity and absolutely all components of the cosmic order — for absolutely everything is part of this one dynamic
Individually, we are both autonomous, and, as well,
one of many, many “Human Heads”

Collectively, we are “embryonic Divine”

We are all, indeed, Quest for Potential∞.

——————- NOTES by KHALIL ——————-

4 B’zalmeinu: The classic question is: why the plural? Perhaps it is potentiality, the Cosmo’s timeless force [and it’s inter–related cumulative cosmic consciousness] that is God’s metaphysical interlocutor. After all, before creation there was nothing more than G-d and potential.

5 Betzelem: In Chapter One of his Guide for the Perplexed Maimonides draws on Platonic concepts and explains: “The term image [tzelem]… is applied to the natural form, I mean to the notion in virtue of which a thing is constituted as a substance and becomes what it is.” Incredibly, this concept— developed in the very beginning of Maimonides’ treatise— fits perfectly with this author’s novel concept of Potential Divine. Indeed by declaring that man is created “in our image” the Torah indicates that humankind will “become what it is.” Embryonic Divine will become Potential Divine.



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