BETA: Cosmic TOOL KIT- Shelf #1

Published on 6 Sep 2006 at 7:26 pm. No Comments.
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••• TOOL:

• are ongoing cosmic imperatives

••• TOOL:
(my term)

Metaphysical Realms are not static; They are dynamically morphing.

The Emotional Richness of the Cosmic Order is not static: It is dynamically morphing.

The Intellectual Richness of the Cosmic Order is not static; It is dynamically morphing.

The Consciousness Level of the Cosmic Order is not static; It is dynamically morphing.

The Reality Richness of the Cosmic Order has not been static; It has morphed to this point.

Combine all-of-the-above dynamics, and you have a symphony of ongoing morphing and ever-increasing richness and advance.

Creation / “Big Bang” was possibly at the boundary where metaphysics “morphed” into physics, and thus both fields (metaphysics and physics) are fully engaged.

We, in 2008, for example, intersect with this extraordinary pulsating, morphing advancing Cosmic Order at-one-specific particular-point-in-time. But understand that between the time you started this sentence and the time you finish it, the entire Cosmic order will have incrementally morphed.

••• TOOL:

On every level, the cosmos and its components, have an uncanny instinctive ability to OPTIMIZE8

[simple and elegant enough]

••• TOOL:
(my term)

Quest for Potential∞ weaves an ever-expanding, ever-richer, ever-more-sophisticated, wondrous, multi–dimensional multi–thread cosmic tapestry encompassing and integrating the COMPLEXIFICATION (amplified upon as a separate tool later in sub–section: ‘Context’) of ALL fields… (cosmic threads) metaphysics, philosophy, theology, physics, astrophysics, chemistry, biology, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, psychology, architecture, art, music et al.

in ONE inter–connected cosmic tapestry

You know the favorite refrain here…..

“Adoshem Echad, u-Shemo Echad”

“God is ONE and his NAME is ONE”

All part of the ongoing cosmic Infinite Divine Potential

[not COMPLEXIFICATION for complexity’s sake (as is widely viewed in the Physical Sciences as a universal imperative); rather, ‘complexification’ when it advances the key thrusts of multi-dimensional POTENTIAL and OPTIMIZATION]

[Interesting how a religious service in an extraordinary
cathedral, for instance, might bring together so many of
these themes, e.g. spiritual as well as the extraordinary
aesthetic (art, choir music, organ music, architecture)
simultaneously at one time, in one place, all under a
majestic roof with spires directed heavenwards]

——————- NOTES by KHALIL ——————-

8 Optimize: The individual must have the patience and decisiveness to act at precisely the opportune time. This ability to ‘seize the moment’ was harnessed at the Genesis point to create the universe.



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