DELTA: Embryonic Design

Published on 6 Sep 2006 at 2:14 am. No Comments.
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“The Embryonic Divine Design” Formulation

Quest for Potential∞ is an over-arching and all–encompassing
Near–Infinite Entity/Dynamic transcending TIME and SPACE
seeking to evolve fully into Infinite Divine.

“Viruach Elohim mirachefet al p’nei hamayim,1”

[“And the breath/spirit of God was hovering upon the surface of the waters”]

Everything— Past, Present and Future— is integral to this ONE entity/dynamic, of which we are an organic part.


“Adoshem Echad, u-Shemo Echad”

“God is ONE – and His Name is ONE”

It is this ONE singular dynamic which both encompasses all, and which drives– and indeed, IS, the entire cosmos. It is, as well, simultaneously the embryonic Divine, seeking to become Infinitely Perfect Divine.
Q4P chases after it’s own tail. Meaning, Quest for Potential∞ seeks it’s infinite perfect potential.

Q4P has always pervaded the abstract and physical dimensions of the cosmos

Q4P seeks after its full Divine and truly Infinite manifestation

“Eheyeh asher Eheyeh”


The metaphysical currents — and the equations —
and the metaphysical manifestations of the Divine Potential — explored the different options for the planned Big Bang, …intended to transform POSSIBILITY into REALITY… from thence onto LIFE itself… and from thence onward towards the Infinitely Perfect Divine Actualization…

Too much intensity in the initial ACTUALIZATION spark (the intended “Big Bang”), and the newly actualized cosmos would spin out of control into cosmic debris; Too little intensity, and the cosmos–creation–attempt would fold back into itself and implode2

——————- NOTES by KHALIL ——————-

1 Torah use A: There are two ways to quote a biblical passage. One might either reference a detail from the Torah and use it merely to introduce a concept that is otherwise unrelated to biblical principles. Or, one might take a hold of— and embrace— central biblical principles, and use them as the foundation for developing a thought. The former approach uses the bible artificially as a veneer to make foreign concepts palatable. The latter, clearly the method of this author, reflects a natural comfort with the Torah. This author does not employ the Torah as an afterthought to build an argument; rather, to him the Torah is a primary source for this novel metaphysics. He discerns key metaphysical themes permeating the Torah.

2 Balance: Do we not face the same caveats regularly in our lives? Such considerations are important in our relationships, our spirituality, our careers, etc. This is merely one example of how humanity’s dilemmas are reflected in the cosmos. To put it concisely: Not too much; not too little.



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