The Potential Point: Road Map
Published on 19 May 2009 at 5:12 pm.
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Summa Metaphysica
The Potential∞ Point:
Road Map
of the hypothesized
metaphysical underpinnings
of the embryonic journey
of the Infinite Divine
employing just one concept
Quest for Potential/Extraordinariation
Summa Metaphysica
proposes a simultaneous solution to
Road Map
Possibility, is, by definition, eternal
One cannot really challenge the eternality of
the only concept whose eternality is basically
Thus, Possibility in one form or another is a very prime candidate for the prime engine which pulls
Reality from out of the Void
But how is there seemingly creation ex nihilo
creation seemingly out-of-nothingness?
Possibility per se does not necessarily have the
power to pull Reality from out of the Void However, a variation on Possibility Quest for Potential to the infinite power just might have the power to do just that
The combined power of all potentials down-the-road might be an imperative strong enough….
to cumulatively retroactively ignite the cosmos
Meaning, at Creation the future ignites the present.
This is our crucial pivot, among several key pivots
Summa Metaphysica calls this bootstrapping creation
[pre-Creation, TIME can more readily be hypothesized to have (more) elasticity and/or multi-directionality]
Since there is a cosmos, which apparently was de facto ignited at least once, we hypothesize that
Quest for Potential was the spark*
But how might this ignition have taken place?
Possibility had nowhere to go within the Void
We hypothesize that Possibility coiled within itself…..
morphing to its dynamic first cousin Quest for Potential….
Then, Quest for Potential coiled within itself by a
factor of, say, a zillion trillion to the infinite power.
For eons upon eons
Aching, yearning for expression, realization………
[investigate Mandelbrot Fractals in mathematics]
The quintessential irresistible force
Quest for Potential
Desperately probing for an opening through the
quintessential Immovable object The Void
Trying to discern a path into Reality
A cosmic impasse
………a seemingly eternal impasse
Like a coiled-spring vainly attempting to expand
infinite-fold within an infinitely small space
An infinitely-expanding metaphysical entity
trapped within a non-existent physical space
(infinite) Expansion, with nowhere to go
without RealityThe ultimate yearning.
Quest for Potential eventually fine-tuning its game
Ultimately achieving radar lock on the optimal route towards Extraordinariation
[investigate the Calculus in mathematics re: optimization]
Quest for Potential/Extraordinariation now
advancing towards critical mass
After an eternity of loneliness, the Void could not take it anymore
Potential Extraordinariation beckoned.
Potential Extraordinariation teased
Potential Extraordinariation seduced
Potential Extraordinariation pulsated.
Then, potential Extraordinariation within potential
Extraordinariation now infinitely iterating achieves critical mass.
The cosmic-balance is tipped The Void gasps
and yields its hitherto eternal imperviousness
……and the heavens exploded forth
the Potential Point*
end of Road Map
The paradigm simultaneously also impels a parallel reworking of
Intelligent Design
Man’s place in the cosmos question
Purpose of Man question
and, of course,
et al.
not to mention, all-embracing
which impelled us here in the first place
We respectfully posit that the implications of
the Summa hypothesis span all of humanity
mainstream fields of study, whether the hard sciences or the soft sciences, as all fields, in this hypothesis, ultimately track back to the Singularity and to the
Big Bang.….the Genesis point…..what I would
name the Potential Point*
* the Eheyeh-asher-Eheyeh Point …..
that is,
* Big Bang point Genesis point Bereshith point
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